Jul 18, 18 / Vir 03, 02 12:55 UTC

How should we design the economic structure and could we find a convenient way to transport what we want to the outer space?  

As we can see, the traditional ways can be expensive and complex, which can be one of the biggest obstruction. For most resource we can get, can only from the earth by now.

And it remind me another problem- the industry here. If it is going to be true(sadly, I may not be able to observe it→_→). There has to be a way that run the economic system and create something valuable for trade or something, to get the resource we need to function it futher.

I suppose it will mainly be industry that need brain work and may only be able to develop in the outer space, like astronomical observation, research, art, high-tech, tourism, etc.

In the consideration of lower expense we must grow plants here(maybe in factories)(it really fundamental I assume).

Jul 20, 18 / Vir 05, 02 16:55 UTC

I am worrying about another problem relates to the expense of sending stuff/living to the outer space.

As we can see, here the expense of transportation- http://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-rocket-cargo-price-by-weight-2016-6

I know it is not very authoritative but still a reference.

For example, I am 185 pounds weight and it cost at least 1800000 dollars to send me here.

Now I assume we finally complete the space station and it can contain all of us, but how much would it take to send us all to the space? Assume 130 pounds per person, 0.5 million of people await for the great trip- at least 591.5 billion dollars are to cost. Without necessary stuffs that keep everyone alive.

Where comes the finance? Everybody.

But considering that some comes from not-wealthy-families while them seek a life of justice, equality and dignity we might not achieve the amount.

The trouble comes, if only those who can pay can go, it is definitely dishonoring the constitution. If we select randomly some richs will be dissatisfsfied or even worse.

As for me, I propose there shall be a mutual economic organization observed by a committee formed by selected assemblymen- for each one's suck. To develop, to earn, to research , prepares for every step to the destination.

Traditional nations may desire the dominion of outer space(one can be America, I mean no offence) and bring old rules here.

I think, if we can, first, keep Asgardia democratic, fair and equal as it should be. Then go there the station satisfied and rightfully- before the traditional nations, as earlier as we can to prevent more trouble. It would be really hard.

Jul 31, 18 / Vir 16, 02 20:44 UTC


With all this talks about rights and equals people starts to forget that we aren't equal from born, and I don't mean cases where one is child of rich family and another from poor (rough example). From very beginning we are product of chemical reactions on molecular or even atom level, we build through mutations of genes and raising in different circumstances. For equality you have to breed an arian race full of superhumans (which ironically can be more expencive than traveling to space).

Why I bringing that up? Because not everyone can raise some money. And from that point Asgardia in your vision became just circle of rich people who raising funds on others labor to fulfill their ambitions. Not very nice Asgardia, huh?

Everyone have their limits and abilities. There always will be herds and shepherds. Why isn't it better to work together with inborn leaders and hardworkers to bring up to space everyone who puts their labors on it? Sounds like more Asgardian way.

  Last edited by:  Nikita Maltabar (Asgardian)  on Jul 31, 18 / Vir 16, 02 20:46 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Aug 1, 18 / Vir 17, 02 09:31 UTC

Better idea (though a bit "utopic", I suppose) is creating team of researches who will look for ways to descrease cost of space travel, maybe under asgardian companies which will raising funds for that. I understand your point too. But I believe that with the way you suggesting most people who wish to be asgardians just turn away from state, and in the end it will be very small nation :)

If rulers wanna people believe in state and government, first step will be supporting citizens, not draining their money. Though, on second thought, there so many people believe in frauds :D Is that what our king expecting?

Aug 1, 18 / Vir 17, 02 18:41 UTC

Most problems have tech or science nature. One single discovery can bring great change in the world, especially now. Do you see a lot of horsemen around? :) It's even possible that one discovery already exists and we just dont realise how to use it. Singularity and all this stuff, you know. Raising funds to researching may be economical problem, not space travels.

  Last edited by:  Nikita Maltabar (Asgardian)  on Aug 1, 18 / Vir 17, 02 20:41 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Aug 1, 18 / Vir 17, 02 19:13 UTC

The Big Falcon Rocket might lower cost/kg to LEO to sub $1000, possibly under $500. If that happens, then the BFR will be a game changer. 

Also, Russia recently unveiled a nuclear powered cruise missile that for all practical purposes has unlimited range (I've heard it can stay airborne for 100 years). The USA has similar technology. When this technology is applied to interplanetary spaceships it will also be a game changer. 

Finally, space elevators...for obvious reasons, if this technology becomes reality, it will also be a game changer.

  Last edited by:  Aleksandar Neshkovski (Asgardian)  on Aug 1, 18 / Vir 17, 02 19:14 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Aug 3, 18 / Vir 19, 02 23:03 UTC

Perhaps we can look at the entire finance issue from another perspective. Enormous amount (nearly infinite) of resources can be found in space. Spacemining seems the logical answer to the finance problem, if we can send resources down, those could pay for people going up. 

You can start relatively small and set up a viable economy from the start, the more people go up the more you can mine, so in theory growth could be exponential.

Aug 13, 18 / Lib 01, 02 02:09 UTC

Not all resources are available in large quantities on Earth, I seriously don't think we'll be mining for gold in space unless a large amount becomes miraculously available somewhere but there are plenty of materials that are quite rare that might be more readily available in space. Also with having to mine deeper here on Earth costs have the tendency to rise, there will come a point where mining in space will not only be feasible but economically viable.

Aug 30, 18 / Lib 18, 02 15:46 UTC

My idea is that it's to early to think about an functionnal, "low cost", space structure now. In my opinion, we need 1 or 2 steps more before.

Once that says, what about promoting the space tourism by making event's. Like lotery, contests or other ideas. The goal is to propose stuff like Zero gravity flights or more (virgin galactic, worldview...). --> The main goal of this is to speed up the space industry. This will then reduce the cost per Kg. Is Asgardia able to set up such a project?

Other ideas :

Creating dedicated TV channel to let enter space on our everyday life.

Asgardian space camp's

Fun space project like : Game satellite (0 gravity live games), 360° camera statellite,...

If such project begin's, I will be proud to participate.

Aug 30, 18 / Lib 18, 02 15:50 UTC

My idea is that it's to early to think about an functionnal, "low cost", space structure now. In my opinion, we need 1 or 2 steps more before.

Once that says, what about promoting the space tourism by making event's. Like lotery, contests or other ideas. The goal is to propose stuff like Zero gravity flights or more (virgin galactic, worldview...). --> The main goal of this is to speed up the space industry. This will then reduce the cost per Kg. Is Asgardia able to set up such a project?

Other ideas :

Creating dedicated TV channel to let enter space on our everyday life.

Asgardian space camp's

Fun space project like : Game satellite (0 gravity live games), 360° camera statellite,...

If such project begin's, I will be proud to participate.

Nov 20, 18 / Sag 16, 02 16:02 UTC

Yo voto por usar los recursos que proporciona el espacio para lograr las metas de Asgardia y todos tengan un empleo y vida autosustentable. Sin depender de los recursos de la Tierra a largo plazo. 

Jan 3, 19 / Aqu 03, 03 13:58 UTC

Economic structure:

Asgardia's economy will be defined by the demand for what Asgardia has to offer. 'Space tourisim' is an obvious one, but not just for millionaire playboys: the market will be equal parts cruise ship, research campus and exploration base. Engineering services, to refurbish telecom satellites and develop ZeroG manufacturing. In the long run, asteroid mining and new technology, like fusion drives and mass production of new habitats will be very lucrative. Mark my words!

If you build it they will come!


I really think that SpaceX has the most cost effective launch solution possible. If you see a better way, start a competing company!