Jul 18, 18 / Vir 03, 02 12:55 UTC
How should we design the economic structure and could we find a convenient way to transport what we want to the outer space? ¶
As we can see, the traditional ways can be expensive and complex, which can be one of the biggest obstruction. For most resource we can get, can only from the earth by now.
And it remind me another problem- the industry here. If it is going to be true(sadly, I may not be able to observe it→_→). There has to be a way that run the economic system and create something valuable for trade or something, to get the resource we need to function it futher.
I suppose it will mainly be industry that need brain work and may only be able to develop in the outer space, like astronomical observation, research, art, high-tech, tourism, etc.
In the consideration of lower expense we must grow plants here(maybe in factories)(it really fundamental I assume).