It's startup Monday! 

When it comes to economic growth startup companies can often be a significant driver. Many times startups help create more jobs, and in turn, more employment means a stronger economy. Plus, startups can often foster the next big innovation and transform the cities they operate in.

Asgardia is always interested in researching and promoting startup companies that could help them further their goal of setting up habitable platforms in low-Earth orbit and ensuring the peaceful use of space today. Thus, every Monday we look at intriguing startups related to space and technology.

Today we look at LinkedIn's 25 most sought-after start-ups in the UK, Airy3D, Mayku FormBox, and Argo AI. 

Full Article:

Which startup company interests you the most and why? 

Do you know of any good startups that could be helpful to Asgardia?

Let us know in the comments below.