Nov 15, 17 / Sag 11, 01 19:20 UTC

Dear Fellow Asgardians, [I NEED YOUR SUPPORT]  

Hello dear Fellow Asgardians

Before Reading This, Watch This Video (made by me)

My name is Samri Anas, Moroccan, 29 years old, live in France and here is my resume:

I believe that I can bring a lot of value for our dear asgardia, I am a developer, designer, IT engineer, researcher, space geek, and above all a good manager with two masters in strategic management.

i can speak : Arabic, English, French, spanish and italian

In a world where rejection of the other and withdrawal over oneself is not a desirable world. If you travel, you know how the journey can open the mind, that meetings can grow, that learning from each other is more than useful, interesting and necessary.

Since I was a child, I have a vision of the existence somewhat utopian, and the more time passes, the more I want to believe, I dream of a world where religions do not divide, where the wars cease, where hatred and judgment disappear, where we take care of this Earth and space that welcomes us because we are in the end only passing inhabitants.

I want a better world, a world where we evolve by becoming aware of its fragility and the importance we have for our neighbors all around this earth.

Fortunately, some people and projects are emerging, giving hope for a brighter future.

I hope everything will move in the right direction.

Asgardian for now and forever

If am elected, I can use all my skills and my network for the good and progress of a whole nation, 

And that's how I imagine things in Asgardia :
I can see a country based on the economy of knowledge or immaterial economy or cognitive capitalism, which would be a new phase of economic history in which the pillars of the economy are:

- Research-Development and Innovation
- Education
- Information and Communication Technologies.

This new economic era would flourish under the combined effect:

- The key raw material that provides a competitive advantage to the people, institutions and geographical locations that hold it, is no longer material but rather immaterial (information, know-how and knowledge).

- Capital-knowledge, as the third factor of production, in addition to the other two more traditional: labor, and capital.

- Pure physical work on its side loses its importance, or at least becomes subcontracted and non-strategic, in relation to technical, scientific, organizational and communication skills and creative and adaptive abilities.

The accumulation mainly concerns knowledge and creativity, that is to say, the immaterial. In this sense, we are talking about the microeconomic level of intellectual capital and "value-knowing".

The traditional work value is replaced by new strategic capabilities

The core of the knowledge economy is related to the appropriation of knowledge and the continual production of innovation. All sectors of social life that contribute to the production of knowledge would be the new centers of cognitive capitalism.

Please Vote :

  Last edited by:  Samri Anas (Candidate, Asgardian)  on Nov 17, 17 / Sag 13, 01 20:33 UTC, Total number of edits: 4 times

Nov 17, 17 / Sag 13, 01 20:37 UTC

is it too mush to ask for a feed back !