Jun 25, 17 / Leo 08, 01 05:06 UTC
Asgardians in CANADA! ¶
(Alberta, Canada)
My name is Toby. I strongly believe that people want to get involved.
Most of my higher education has been devoted to service as a student leader. Prior experience in governance includes Students' Association Council member, RDC Academic Council member, Vice President Social Media for RDC Sociology Society and a co-founder of the RDC African Caribbean Society.
I continue to work in bringing my community forward, this was recognized by the Government of Alberta and I was awarded Laurence Decore Scholarship for Student Leadership. My other assets include considerable volunteerism, that has also been recognized, as well as student activism.
As a public figure, I run a podcast that empowers young adults. I also blog frequently about topics of importance such as Social Media, Self-Awareness, Community building, and Positive Leadership. My prior roles have allowed me to interact with influential people from Ministers to Mayors in addition to many student leaders.
As an Asgardian, I want to contribute to the noble goals listed in our constitution. I strongly believe in this Space Nation.
Your vote is a voice that boldly moves us forward. #Toby4Asgardia
Removed link to the official group.