Nov 16, 17 / Sag 12, 01 09:21 UTC

Candidate for parliamentary election District #10 - German  

Hello Asgardians! I´m a candidate for Asgardias parliament and I´m campaigning on the following issues:

- All Asgardians are equal.

- All sentinent, self-aware beings can become Asgardians.

- Asgardias first duty is to defend, conserve and protect earth.

- We are earth people, striving for a future for humanity in space.

- As a representative, I will "represent" Asgardians and their opinions. I will provide means of contact that all Asgardians may use to contact me.

- I especially urge young Asgardians to contact me and tell me their visions of Asgardia. We´re here to build a nation in which you may live, so you should have your say.

- Asgardia shall be present on earth first. Only so we are able to muster the forces of all humanity, which are needed for our ultimate goal: Leaving Earth as a species.

- During the time Asgardia will be present on earth, we will work with all nations on a basis of friendship and mutual respect.

- Asgardia shall encourage the formation of multi-national states first, recognising the fact that those are necessary stepstones.

- Asgardia shall encourage the formation of a unified government of earth. If we were to meet or are visited by non-human intelligent beings, they will only see earth and not the random borders which now slash up our planet.

Please vote for me. Together we can make our dreams come true!

Nov 22, 17 / Sag 18, 01 22:33 UTC

Nov 23, 17 / Sag 19, 01 14:47 UTC