Jul 8, 17 / Leo 21, 01 17:32 UTC

I had upload a proposal for debutant  

Hello everyone.

I had paid attention for Asgardia years.

I had upload a proposal for debutant.


Please read and vote for me. If you have any questions, you can submit comments.

And there is a question for the election:

When people vote me on Strategist, it won't add votes on Debutant?

My page of Strategist page:


And the page of  trendsetter 



moved from General Discussion to Campaigning by Stephen De Rosa at 18.59 UTC 8 July 2017

  Last edited by:  Stephen De Rosa (Global Mod, Asgardian)  on Jul 8, 17 / Leo 21, 01 18:59 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jul 8, 17 / Leo 21, 01 19:08 UTC

Hi Seven Mersenne! according to last election rules, the debutant can be voted in a radius of 300km from his location, no limits for strategist and trendsetter positions. are your friends in that radius?

In addition, keep in mind that you can maintain only one candidacy, others will be deleted

hope this helps!