Jul 6, 17 / Leo 19, 01 17:53 UTC
I want to get to know you and how we can work as a team! ¶
HI Everyone,
I would love to get to know everyone.
Asgardia is a great nation even in the baby steps that we are going through to develop into a great nation. My only concern is as we are proposing the new governments we will lose the connection with each other. Facebook seems to be the great key in developing friendships and communication to getting to know each other. Originally i posted here a picture of myself and my candidacy for my local city. I was hoping there you would find my blog. This was when i was getting to know the website and found it frustrating that i was not able to message or connect. It has been brought to my attention words are more powerful than a face and he's correct. I apologize
I am a Corporate/Leisure Travel agent, domestic and International. I am huge on Faith, Education and of course Travel. I am not bios toward other cultures and belief systems and keep a well open mind. History does tend to repeat its self when nations do not work together and I would love to see this nation flourish. In order for that to happen we do need to apply ourselves and learn about each other. We have all walks of life and I find it frustrating sometimes when the translations do not come out correctly so I am fully aware that a National language is in order. My thought on this is it would need to to something that a class would be provided by the Asgardian nation. The ideas i have found in conversation are a new or UNESCO common language. UNESCO world heritage sites are my favorite to talk about with clients especially when they are traveling so close to one protected.There is so much history about the human race combined that it would in my opinion be a waste to travel and not educate yourself if not for your own historical background, but for the opportunity. A lot of people do not get the chance. We should embrace history and education to the fullest.
I am a mother and a provider. I care about keeping racism away from my children at all costs and influence culture while still teaching the normal fundamental. We need to stay honest with each other even if this is virtual and respect one another. I understand that the face behind the profile picture may not be the true inner reflection however if we all have one goal and that is to lift Asgardia up and make it aware and peaceful the issues should fade and unity will surface. have faith in what you signed up for and commit yourself to making it better. Our future relies on everyone not just one person.Thank you for your time.
Ask me a question or let me know a little bit about you. I would love to hear from you!
Moved from GENERAL DISCUSSION to CAMPAIGNING (Syafriza Bakri, July 9th 2017, 7:01 AM UTC)
Reason: Moving Post