Nov 21, 17 / Sag 17, 01 23:25 UTC

New Foundations for a New Future  

Hello everyone.  You may recognize me from around since I've been volunteering with Civic.Asgardia for over a year.  Well I've come here to say that I've decided to run for Parliament.  I feel with my background and skills I would be an ideal candidate.  You can see my campaign profile here: and a post outlining my education and experience here:  I'll do my best to recap them both in this post.

I am 28 years old and a US citizen currently studying Forensic/Analytical Chemistry.  I previously have received a degree in Applied Mathematics and then worked in research and manufacturing for four years before returning to school.  I believe my STEM background makes me an ideal candidate to hold Asgardia to it's principles of a scientific nation.  My logic background also makes me adept at bill writing and debate on a Parliamentary floor.  

As for my platform, it contains two major foci with three minor ones.  Firstly we need to get the Judicial system up and running as well as legally protect certain rights not outlined in the Consitution such as the right to an attorney and protection from illegal search and seizure.  Secondly we need to create the banking system of Asgardia which includes the National Bank of Asgardia and the National Audit office of Asgardia.  This will help us establish our currency of SOLAR and create a functioning economy.  The three minor foci are the creation of social programs such as a universal basic income in SOLAR for all Asgardians, the formalization of procedures for referendums so all Asgardians can have their voice, and pushing for the creation of the Supreme Space Council by the Head of Nation and Parliament.  

All of these aspects are fundamental pieces of the constitution that have not yet been implemented.  We cannot be a functioning society without them and they need to be Parliaments focus.  If elected, I will try and make sure we focus on these needed aspects first before anything else.  

Thank you for reading,
Christina Cole, Parliamentary Candidate
New Foundations for a New Future

Nov 24, 17 / Sag 20, 01 19:44 UTC

I have posted a new blog about the launch of Asgardia-1.  Read here:

Nov 28, 17 / Sag 24, 01 23:17 UTC

Hello everyone.  I have posted a new blog post on what I believe Parliament should focus on on it's first day.  I would love to hear opinions on my list as well as answers to what is on it!

Dec 1, 17 / Sag 27, 01 14:32 UTC

I have now posted my opinions on the issues raised in my last blog post.  See them here: