Jun 23, 17 / Leo 06, 01 17:41 UTC

Space for Anyone: an Astronaut Training Program for every Asgardians  

If interested to vote for a "Space for Anyone" Astronaut Training Program: https://asgardia.space/.../32136-3313-space-for-all-amp.../ A lot of ideas to make it possible for every Asgardians (from Astronaut-Theme on the ground as a Public Health Program to the ultimate Space Experience Access). Thank you, whatever!

Asgardian Profile: https://asgardia.space/en/user/32136/profile/view/

Dear @ll, 

We are witnessing the birth of a new Space era: we are truly living in an incredible time! 

So, together we can decide to create our future and play there an exciting proactive role. This is where Sciences, peaceful exploration, universal protection & enlightened humanism have to be built up & supported by an empowered society³ to be invented.

Make our Humanity be great again, within Space we can!

Space 4 All & All 4 Space !-)

See you soon in 1, soon or later in 0 g ! I've got some ideas about such a program !-)


Weightless Flight Surgeon, MD, MSc, EMBA Student¹

Aerospace Physician & ZeroG Instructor

United Nations rotary wing Aeromedical Evacuations Flight Surgeon

Flight participant training & support professional passionate about Human, Space, Exploration, Science, STEM Education, Healthcare.

Advocate for the "Space for Anyone" era and Mars enthusiast with an open world ideal.

Currently, working and writing about psychological aspects of "ICE missions" (Isolated Confined missions in an Extreme environment).


¹exp. Asgard 0002 !-)

Jun 25, 17 / Leo 08, 01 05:28 UTC

Superbly written. I look forward to future development.

Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 14:41 UTC

Thanks Toby!-) To go further in that direction:

Our world is no more closed off than it is flat… We are lucky enough to live at this very special -even spatial- time in the history of life on Earth: one species, our own, would be capable of adapting to the restrictions of extra-terrestrial life – a 4 billion years history, still! A species that really could throw off the biological shackles that currently keep it from a universal life - in an other way than tardigrads and cryptobiosis- thanks to two remarkable properties: neoteny (1) and hyperprosociality (2).

The temporal relevance of Space resides less in our ability to send through vessels a few people into the vastness of Space but more in our capacity to introduce some new dimension of Space into the vastness of Humanity, definitely. 

While humanity is nowadays capable to close itself off in a world with limited resources, trapped in the spiral of conflict, withdrawal and decline, the human factor is actually the very key to open the world up. Here is the soaring path of a positive humanism given to the Anthropocene when our time joins that of Space. Awareness of the properties of an infinite world in one that appears finite opens up many possibilities, by integrating the vertical dimension into our environment.

Growing up together in a place where there is no opposition to a thriving collective wisdom. It’s about making all reachable parts of the universe ethically fertile, thus allowing a positive transition on the Kardashev scale. Cultivating our cosmic garden so that we can deal with the societal issues of our civilisation in motion. Discoveries, be they scientific, philosophical or artistic, enlighten us in our nature as persevering explorers.

(1)- Neoteny : concept in developmental biology which describes the immature character persistence in adulthood for some species, but where relative disability, sustainable imperfection and late maturity allow this ingenious adaptability through development of culture, fiction and technology within human species.

(2)- Hyperprosociality : role of cooperation between non-relative groups and extended relations which contributed to the evolutive success of sapiens amongst hominids.


  Last edited by:  Jeremy Saget (Candidate, Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 16:24 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jun 30, 17 / Leo 13, 01 20:11 UTC

Therefore, we are to put forward, for every Asgardia Citizen, a free Astronaut Training like Program, through both online dapps & bootcamps events, personalized, crypto-based (tokens mining, data protection), as the groundbreaking Public Health Program of Asgardia (body & mind), as well as the future Astronaut Selection Process (sooner than you would expect today), free from any background but focused on missions-oriented requirements (Worldwide & really for Anyone). 

Your support has now the power to make it happen.... 

Let's unlock our world, with such a well connected & positive global in-run for our humanity very growth!

Thanks to you, Asgardia will succeed in opening the pathway to a grown up world, toward what we are, beyond what we have. 

  Last edited by:  Jeremy Saget (Candidate, Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Jun 30, 17 / Leo 13, 01 20:24 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 07:11 UTC

The temporal relevance of Space resides less in our ability to send through vessels a few people into the vastness of Space but more in our capacity to introduce some new dimension of Space into the vastness of Humanity, definitely.

While humanity is nowadays capable to close itself off in a world with limited resources, trapped in the spiral of conflict, withdrawal and decline, the human factor is actually the very key to open the world up. Here is the soaring path of a positive humanism given to the Anthropocene when our time joins that of Space. Awareness of the properties of an infinite world in one that appears finite opens up many possibilities, by integrating the vertical dimension into our environment. Growing up together in a place where there is no opposition to a thriving collective wisdom. It’s about making all reachable parts of the universe ethically fertile, thus allowing a positive transition on the Kardashev scale. Cultivating our cosmic garden so that we can deal with the societal issues of our civilisation in motion. Discoveries, be they scientific, philosophical or artistic, enlighten us in our nature as persevering explorers.


Jul 5, 17 / Leo 18, 01 08:13 UTC

Exactly Dirk, you got it! That's the very key to unlock our world, for the good. Thank you for that!

Jul 5, 17 / Leo 18, 01 08:13 UTC

Thoughts about living in Space: when we look to explore and inhabit the limits of the world, the perceived distance, that which is an intercultural construct, is relative. A spatial voyage could be as short for the imagination as the confinement would be long in the reality of a spacecraft, if not a wide inflatable space station, furthermore unedited regarding the deep Space missions. 

In weightlessness, we weigh our words: it’s our imagination which will draw the contours for as long as there are ingenious humans to live in the space of Space. 

“Look beyond what we have and see more clearly who we are (…) The true journey (…) is to reach the incredible point where the feeling of that very moment covers every contour of one’s inner life”, in "the message of the desert", by Antoine. de St. Exupéry


Jul 5, 17 / Leo 18, 01 09:54 UTC

Love in mind. Creation. Civilization. Step in evolution. Who better will manage than not Homogalacticus?. I am step more in human evolution. VOTE ME! Debutant, only 10 votes.

Jul 7, 17 / Leo 20, 01 10:05 UTC

WHY? Human ingenuity appears as the Life emerging key to unlock our World, while opening minds to vastness is the positive solution to the flails of a world perceived as finite

HOW? Connecting Space to everyone beyond any frontiers, from the very ground to manned outer space missions, creating a collective overview effect. Diversity is invaluable to overcome collective challenges https://www.facebook.com/Space4Anyone/

WHAT? Astronaut-based training (body & mind, personalized online & bootcamps) for anyone and for free as a Public Health Program of Asgardia, as well as missions-oriented human resource empowerment

#Access #Prevention #Knowledge #Peace #HumanFactor #Space #AstronautTraining #PublicHealthProgram #NPO 


Jul 9, 17 / Leo 22, 01 09:28 UTC

Overview Effect: since my Apollo 8 Earthrise picture emotion, let's believe there is here a very different cognitive between thinking and experiencing, that's an expected wonderful effect of the Space for Anyone era... Planetary awareness is perfectly set out in the new perspective in which humanity will find itself with the help of astronauts. To sharp awareness, when a man takes in the vision of our entire planet Earth, both the beauty of this blue planet on the black background of the space void and the extreme fragility of the thin layer that shelters life on its surface. The imperative of protection and "extraterrestrial" imperatives have begun. With such a perspective in mind, it is possible to get a glimpse of a rise in our level of conscience of belonging to a whole that it is urgent to protect! https://vimeo.com/55073825

Jul 21, 17 / Vir 06, 01 21:01 UTC

So, the "Space for Anyone" decade has been launched!

At this very moment we are witnessing both the birth of the first space nation ever and non-governmental, commercial, spaceflight capabilities. Space agencies consider that their professional Astronauts, having opened the route to low earth orbit, will from now on explore new worlds and outer space, following the moon, asteroides Mars' moons and Mars itself. A large choice of space tourism or spaceflight participant experience, from ZeroG flights to inflatable space hotels in orbit, not forgetting sub-orbital and orbital flights will, not so late, be accessible in great numbers. The spaceports will also be catalysts of globalised exchanges with sub -orbital transcontinental flights bringing Hong Kong to two hours from Paris.

The first astronauts were selected for to their resistance, their operational capacity to take risks, among test pilots, as physiological unknown factors were major. For the needs of long-term manned missions, they had to look at profiles that were more scientific, mixed, balanced, flexible, collaborative, as it's easy to imagine the consequences of a powerful personality, when tempermental... Up until now professional astronauts had to have particularly solid academic and operational pre-requisites. From now on or in the very near future, the psychological characteristics sought and the preparation time necessary for deep Space missions, the most important and the rarest won't be the candidate's background but more his profile in particular. Furthermore, thanks to Asgardia, frontiers disappear and 90% of earthlings without any space program available to date are now welcome on board.  While many may be allowed to dream of becoming an astronaut, that point will surely render the generations of today more starry-eyed than ever, with direct and indirect benefits, worldwide.

We are incredibly lucky to be alive at an exceptional moment in time in the four billion years history of life on earth. We will break through new frontiers we never dared imagine in the coming decades, the ultimate frontier. It's up to us to anticipate this evolution to take the right measures -ethic, humanitary, environmental- concerning the risks ultimately linked to these issues. A coherent vision of what we should expect and one we should lean to together, leaving everything to intuition, creativity, enlightened human ingenuity, will open a fabulous array of possibilities. Some are already en route taking very decided steps towards this new civilisation's perspective. Asgardia is part and core of such a movement. You may choose whether to hop onto the space train or not, but despite all the challenges and imperfections -think the constitution as the starter of the civil process- the way towards what we know and will find out about ourselves, to a grown world, an environment as necessary for a positive humanism, rather than to be limited, will be the truest voyage, to undertake together.


Aug 8, 17 / Vir 24, 01 09:45 UTC

In reply to your "everyone" and "anyone" shade question:  beyond Space connexion, the Space experience could be provided to everyone through one or another form (including ground-base astronaut-like training, education, involvment). However, you're right, if spaceflight experience should be open for "anyone" this is still quite different than "everyone", because of inaptitude issues. But, actually, there is a huge difference between space agencies current professional Astronauts (a lot of resources behind them, HR and budgets - so you need, in order to secure somewhat a long-term career,  to select the lucky few with a high performing profile, as signaling guarantee: high level operational background, clearest medical history, psychological and physical demanding requirements, along with agency involved nation citizenship) and non-inaptitude requirements for next spaceflight participants. Actually, very few contraindication regarding zeroG flight (many disabilities accordable), a bit more for suborbital flights, and still significative for orbital flights. That being said, psychological aspects are more and more decision-making: physical, education background, and -thanks to Asgardia- citizenship ones become matter of minor importance. So, really, don't give up your dreams of Space, the conditions of realization have never been so promising to all of us! 

  Last edited by:  Jeremy Saget (Candidate, Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Aug 8, 17 / Vir 24, 01 09:49 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Aug 9, 17 / Vir 25, 01 14:43 UTC

I'm looking forward to seeing how this program will develop.