In the Robert's Rules poll Andreas Decker brings up a great point about using a digital system similar to that of Germany.
I feel that that is the only options due to our scattered nature, and am a member of a team working on a proposal for such.
The proposal calls for a website with a video feed of each candidate, so that they can be watched for texting, and other absences. Furthermore it is proposed that once an MP enters they can have a 5 min/hr break but otherwise must stay. Also in the proposal is that only those in attendance may vote. All of these points I feel are pointless, for we live in a time where we are not bound to the "now" we can watch recordings or the past and leave messages for the future.
I would propose a system, where MP's can simply link a youtube of their making on any given subject for all to see. I would further propose a set time for candidates to produce and upload the videos, so that an orderly chat based discussion can be held after they are watched. - why attendance would be mandatory at all I do not understand, for people can participate in a chat at any time, those joining later would likely find most of their points have already been made, so what difference does it make? Furthermore only after thorough discussion of all points should any voting begin. - these are not the only points I voted for and lost, I also voted that every candidate be invited to discuss how MP's communicate in parliament... because 4 people should not choose the details of something so important.
Also, I have noticed many (at least 3, likely more) "parties" have formed. I'd like to remind everyone that internal alliances of the party sort are against the very constitution we all signed. If I were MP right now I would suggest that anyone actively participating in a party-like group, which excludes some portion of that level (such as democratic party, which I'm sure would exclude communists and vice versa) loose their citizenship in Asgardia. The party based system excludes, not unites and is responsible for much suffering in North America - and I'm sure, the world. By trying to get majority, it creates minorities. I would plead, that if you are a member of such a group you leave it immediately, for otherwise you are not Asgardian and may cause it's ruin. invites *all* parliamentary candidates, from every district, to join for open debate, discussion and the sharing of ideas - it is place for candidates to learn how to work together, before the daunting task of planning Asgardia's future for our people begins. Votes are for internal organization only; everyone is encouraged to vote (outside the group) whatever they feel is best for the people they represent; and every member or the group is admin and therefore shared-owner - all are equal with no alliances, in the true Asgardian way: one unity. Any system which is not equality based, is not Asgardian.