Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 13:40 UTC
Re: Asgardia welfare should be contain “born, old, retire, death” this nation hard to do it ¶
Certianly, this should definitely be a long term goal, however, of far more importance is to establish ourselves into a position where this is practical.
The economy of Asgardia must be first grown to the state where it can realistically support such proposals.
I would personally suggest initially concentrating resources into "space mining, resource extraction/purification, and manufacturing". I'm thinking along the lines of establishing a "seed factory" that can print out some "tugs" to grab "waste" material from LEO and use it to expand itself and then clone itself(for sending closer to more distant resources) and start to faricate components for the mining and manufacturing facilities.
There would be a little while to wait until one would see some "payback" but once established it'll coantinually supply both raw materials and finished goods. Combined with a series of orbital farms it'd provide for Asgardian requirements, allowing for completely independant operations, and rapidly expand beyond our needs and ultimately the excess can be sold off to Earth to fund further developments.
The construction of physical educational facilities is a slight wasteful, It would only serve a narrow geographical reigon at best. Digitally, it's cheaper to construct and can reach a much wider audience. It would also be easier to achieve a uniform standard of education across infrastructure. In terms of education at least, this is something that can be started now - collecting data relevant to topics, finding those within our ranks suitable for providing educational materials, establishing curiculem guidelines etc then one could begin to define "courses" and "qualifications". One large issue - initially at least - would be getting these qualifications recognised. Recognition serves little practical use for "internal purposes" but educational standards should be set high enough that other nations acknowledge it is equivical or superior to their comparable offerings.