Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 20:08 UTC
(PLSFA)Prevent Legacy Systems For Asgardia ¶
There are legacy systems that are being injected into Asgardia's future.
Some of these are difficult problems to make alternatives for, such as monetary systems. Numerically and logically difficult to figure out when it comes to trading resources.
Others are too-lazily accepted, without real thought going into an alternatives, such as job/work systems, everything business-related, or giving too much focus on "Public Relations".
I've heard mentioned: "We'll figure these out... later, once we're in space."
This is dangerous, as it is the sole reason Legacy Systems live on in the first place.
It's recommended that we realize this is somewhat a fresh, clean slate. Most of these legacy ideas are going to make it into space anyway, everything that Earth ever was will be stamped into the stars, to various levels of intensity. Companies galore, miniature versions of currently-existing nations, and all that comes with it... the greed, the war, the disregard for human life, and the nonsense.
I joined Asgardia hoping to be with the group who sees the opportunity of doing the "better" options, not the so-called "already working" options.
In general, this civic initiative is to keep an eye out for all legacy systems being included in Asgardia's mission, regardless of it being temporary or permanent. Some clear examples of what has been obviously included are:
- Monetary system usage/intention.
- Working with business-entities.
- Allowing business-entities to claim positions of importance.
- Intellectual Property usage/intention.
Some examples of what could be attempted: - Self-sustaining technologies that allow as little monetary need as possible.
- Technological skills training for all power-holding members that allow direct participation in real projects(Open-source software by default).
- Working with non-profit or non-business entities that focus on creation, and de-emphasize profiteering/monetary gain.
- Open-source usage/intention.
As for myself, I will likely be forming another initiative to focus on ideas similar to the latter list of examples, which should help supplement the initiative of PLSFA.
Please feel free to list off further legacy systems you notice within Asgardia's past, present or future. Also list off alternatives to legacy systems, or ideas that may simply transcend a need for comparison at all(For example, attempting to go full "open-source" practically transcends "Intellectual Property", which also would be nearly obsolete if an "alternative to the monetary system" was implemented).
(Note: Don't worry about interrupting any of this thread's discussion with new ideas, the technology of "this forum" in general is something that could be improved in both concept and implementation. Since we cannot "sandwich" discussions locally to a specific post, we will have to speak linear-style. Technological skills increased for power-holders could amplify our communication methods. I appreciate whomever got these website technologies together though, I assume the skill-set and quantity of such a team is small and under-appreciated, when in fact they could change everything.)