Jun 9, 17 / Can 20, 01 21:22 UTC

Im scared  

I live in Scotland and im very scare with all that's going on please if you fined a way to meditate it please respond 

Thanks Asgardians for reading❤️

Jun 10, 17 / Can 21, 01 03:13 UTC

Hi @CharlotteXX!

Could you please clarify what are you being afraid of? We would be glad to help you out!


Jun 10, 17 / Can 21, 01 16:42 UTC

Hail fellow Asgardian,

I believe our sister is referring to the several terroristic attacks on the country they have duel citizenship with. I wish to offer my sympathies to her and her plight but also wish her to follow the old English war time tradition of 'Keep Calm and Carry On.' These cowards(extremists) thrive on the fear and worry of those they which to harm. It is of my opinion you should stand squarely and let them know that you shall not be intimidated.

You're more then your fears,


  Last edited by:  Randall Greenfield (Asgardian)  on Jun 10, 17 / Can 21, 01 16:43 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jun 11, 17 / Can 22, 01 04:24 UTC

I see, thanks for clarifying @RKilljoy

If that is the case, then personally I would like to give my deepest sympathy to the victims of terrorism recently. I wish things were different, but it happened and I encourage you to stay strong. Show the extremist that those kind of actions will not intimidate and strike fears on you and leave the rest to the government. They will realize soon that they have been messing in a wrong place.

We, Asgardian, wish you safety.
