Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 14:46 UTC
Asgardia's Websites and associated infrastructure ¶
In order to ensure safe, reliable, and fast sharing of information, I think we need to discuss how Asgardia's websites are being made and hosted. The websites, both 'asgardia.space' and 'asgardia.com', are currently the primary and official form of communication between Asgardians, and as such ought to be optimized for access to the masses.
Currently there are several issues I have had with the sites, particularly loading times, responsiveness of the websites, accessibility of the user interfaces, and even this "Unlicensed Froala Editor" I am typing in now. The official government site (asgardia.space) also looks too similar to this more casual/open communication page (asgardia.com). While I have am only pointing out a few observations I've had, I wish to open this forum up for further discussion on these problems.
This also raises a few questions that I believe should be known to all, such as how are the websites being hosted, what steps are being taken to make sure the pages are accessible to all Asgardians, and what steps can be taken to improve the performance and accessibility of the collective websites. What do other Asgardians, as well as the current communication "team", think of these issues?