Jul 2, 17 / Leo 15, 01 03:18 UTC



Space communication. It is possible to communicate in space trough radio bands. The first satellite to the orbit of the earth named Sputnik 1 used two radio beacons. The frequency of those radio beacons were 20.005 MHz and 40.01 MHz.

Where USA used 108.00 MHz and 108.03 MHz for their first satellite named Explorer 1.

The question is what would be the radio beacon frequency for Asgardia. And what will be radio band for other communication purposes like image, song or even for duplex communication (in future).

See the post here : https://asgardia.space/en/blog/10721-radio-frequency-bands-for-asgardia/

The Russian ISS (International Space Station) module uses the band from 628 - 632 MHz. 

China's Meteorological satellites also use 480 MHz for down-link.

ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station) typically uses frequencies in the 144 - 146 band. A very popular frequency for many amateur satellites is 145.825 MHz.

NASA ground stations in the Deep Space Network uses  S, X and Ka bands.

It should be keep in mind that higher the frequency the cost will be higher but can provide higher data rates.

See the post here : https://asgardia.space/en/blog/10721-radio-frequency-bands-for-asgardia/

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  Last edited by:  Mohammad Nazmul Hossain (Asgardian)  on Jul 2, 17 / Leo 15, 01 03:45 UTC, Total number of edits: 8 times

Jul 2, 17 / Leo 15, 01 08:11 UTC

Exactly Dirk BaeyensThe thing is each satellite have their own Radio beacons (up-link and down-link). This beacons only used for tracking the position and existence of it. but for audio, video, images or call service we need the frequency spectrum little bit wider.


  Last edited by:  Mohammad Nazmul Hossain (Asgardian)  on Jul 4, 17 / Leo 17, 01 19:28 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Spelling mistake

Jul 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 16:15 UTC

As a Radio Amateur, I would suggest that whatever plan we have would have to be agreed with the IARU and fit in with the existing regulations on Space comms. Of Course it would have to be in the high VHF spectrum or above. A Beacon is purely a beacon however. If we start talking uplink/downlink we are talking repeater, like on the space station or other satellites. I would advise that Asgardia should be quick to get people into place that have experience in this field. I for one am a regional manager for the Radio Society of Great Britain (Region One, Scotland South and the Western Isles). We already have had quite a lot of joy working to get what we require. The other problem with radio is that HF is low frequency that tends to refract round the F layers of the atmosphere. So that is completely out. what we could do with is spread spectrum communications that will survive a solar storm, and use cyclic frequencies.

Jul 19, 17 / Vir 04, 01 06:02 UTC

Great suggestion Marcus Hazel-McGown

Sep 24, 17 / Sco 15, 01 11:11 UTC

I am also a Radio Amateur but mainly in the training area in Australia. Marcus Hazel-McGowns idea has merit but the bands allocated to the amateur fraternity are normally for amateur to amateur traffic. Quite a few countries class 3rd party or unlicensed traffic not legal within their borders. In this sense I would suggest going via the ITU (International Telegraphy Union) regarding a global allocation suitable for Earth-Satellite or Satellite-Satellite communication. This could be a digital form of radio (convert a G2 or G3 cell phone?). Whatever method needs to be simple enough to adapt and implement. Satellites could be in the form of Cube-sats that are launched concurrently with normal commercial satellites at a small premium. Just tossing ideas around.

Sep 26, 17 / Sco 17, 01 16:24 UTC

Accordingly to this record, from FCC, it seems the frequencies are "1610.73000000-1618.11000000 MHz" (1,6 GHz SHF).

Oct 11, 17 / Oph 04, 01 04:27 UTC

The FCC is only the Authority in charge of the radio frequency/bands within the United States. The ITU (International Telegraphy Union) is the correct place to approach for this problem as it is an international platform that negotiates with all countries. That approach is not likely to be done until Asgardia is recognised as a nation by the United Nations then things can progress there. Other countries also utilise 1.6GHz being for base to vehicle communications or radar. This is something that has to be done within the existing international systems that are already in place.

Oct 11, 17 / Oph 04, 01 14:02 UTC

I agree: was just reporting the things are being built (well... near to being launched).
The ITU process you describe will probably follow, IF UN will recognize Asgardia.
It remains a fact that, until that time, the sat's communication frequencies are the ones listed into the linked FCC document.

Nov 15, 17 / Sag 11, 01 20:41 UTC

In Canada we are governed by a body called the CRTC and they have strict rules as to the bands that are available to Amature Radio unless you have your class 2 ticket and are registered to use a higher wattage station.

It doesn't necessarily matter about what band other than picking one that is within the public/amature range for as many citizens of Asgardia withing their original nation or nation they are currently living in. Then we can just use our own encryption on the band correct?

Sven Aesirson


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Jul 29, 18 / Vir 14, 02 10:58 UTC

Sven, I would not suggest encryption of any form whilst using Amateur Radio allocations. A published form of bit stuffing would be OK but encryption would be out of line with 'ham' operations in any jurisdiction and would be perceived akin to espionage. Also remember it is without any pecuniary interest ie: not for financial gain either. Any satellite work would be for proof of concept, self education and development to bigger and bolder moves when it can be moved out of the 'ham bands' to a proper global allocation. Then encryption is a must.