I decided to write this short message to state my reasons for not voting...
1) Not being able to vote the constitution project at all, why is there no such option? In that sense, for the best beginning, perhaps there could be an option to choose how to vote the constitution (yes, no, blank) and with current database technology, the vote could also be enriched by a simple poll, where the voter could anonymously explain the reasons for the vote, for future political reflection.
2) I believe that Accountability and Transparency should also be fundamental values.
3) I would personally prefer an Open Democratic Meritocracy, but this wouldn't be the main issue, because the constitution, with the exception of points 1) and 2). is quite open to consensus. There seems to be wide constitutional space for debate, decision and change. Unfortunately 1) and 2) have not been contemplated, and they are of maximum importance, in my perspective.
4) Just as a detail, it seems to me that the prospect of a future where the Human kind may set herself free from disease (including Ageing as a disease) should be considered whenever establishing legal age limits for anything regarding this enterprise.
5) In conclusion, the prospect of Humanity going beyond our motherland, the Earth, is very dear to me. The concept of Asgardia was, initially, very dear to me and exciting. It is now sadly that I opt not to embark in this journey, for which I wish all the best.
Best Regards,
EDIT (12/07/2017)
I have just received an email saying that there is a day left to vote. I have decided to give it a second thought and reread the document. Same as in the first time I did, I agree with what this Constitution stands for, in many dimensions. However I was very worried about what I have previously mentioned in 1) 2) 3) and 4). Fortunately, I have received the email reminding me of the proximity of the end of the voting period. I can count that, in this moment, 167837 / 2 - 79592 = 4327 persons' votes are required to obtain a quorum and pass the Constitution. The weight of responsibility, fortunately, led me to double-checking my previous personal assessment. It wouldn't be fair not to support a possibly fair Constitution by not making the effort to make a reassessment of the initial interpretation first.
My current, possibly more correct, interpretation:
1) There is, in reality, a power to vote. If the Constitution is not voted by a minimum quorum, it seems that the process starts over again.
"Article 42. First Constitution The first Constitution of Asgardia shall be put for voting by Igor Ashurbeyli, the Founding Father and the Head of Nation elected at a general voting on 20 January 2017 by 167837 Asgardians (20 January 0001 in Asgardian calendar)."
"Article 43. Quorum for Adoption of the Constitution Asgardia’s Constitution shall be adopted if, in the period of the vote, more than half of the Asgardian citizens who took part in the vote, voted in favour and, for the adoption of the first Constitution, the number of persons pursuant to Article 42 of this Constitution."
2) The words "Accountability" and "Transparency" are not in the text, but the principles are:
"4. Asgardia’s Supreme Values in fulfilling its Mission are: [...] l. morality, fairness, and freedom;"
"Article 31. Legal System [...] 6. Asgardia shall recognise generally accepted international principles and norms"
3) Here I conclude that the initial interpretation I made was correct, indeed the law is not locked and change can be achieved through consensus.
"Article 44. Amendment of the Constitution Asgardia’s Constitution may be amended by means of an electronic voting by Asgardian citizens – a referendum.
Article 45. Procedure for Amendment of the Constitution Proposals on amending the Constitution may be made by the Head of Nation, the Supreme Space Council, or the Parliament."
3.a) ... In Article 32 I would just change change the definite article "the" in...
"As of the day of the acceptance of the Constitution of Asgardia, the Head of Nation holds this post for a period of 5 years"
to the indefinite article "a"...
"As of the day of the acceptance of the Constitution of Asgardia, a Head of Nation holds this post for a period of 5 years"
.. because I feel this makes the statement general, for any current, or future, Head of Nation. I would feel more reassured if so.
4) About Ageism... i continue to disagree. But considering 3, and in the noble spirit I respectfully see in the whole of the Constitution, I am optimistic that this will be improved in the future)
5) In reassessment, and in the prospect of Humanity going beyond our motherland, the Earth, in a "free, unitary, and social Space Nation, which is transethnic and secular, is based on morality, fairness, peace, and the equal dignity of every human being", I, finally, have decided to embark in this beautiful journey and make mine that "We are not the best, we are the future. One humanity - one unity".