I signed up for this. But, honestly, after reading through the Draft Constitution, I find I can't vote for it.
In part, it could be that I prefer a republic to a kingdom. I saw no area where the Head of Nation is subject to reelection after a set number of years, though at least this person can be impeached by the Parliament.
Which brings me to another question, what is the procedure for removing the Head of Nation? How is it done? In my country's (USA) constitution, there is a set procedure on exactly how Congress impeaches the President. It's not specified in the Asgardia constitution.
Even more disturbing, the Head of Nation can dismiss the Parliament. What's to stop someone out for power from dismissing Parliament, and become a tyrant?
There is imho, way too much power vested in the Head of Nation, while the checks on the HoN, are not strong enough.
Another issue I have is Asgardia's Supreme Values. Now I'm fine with them for the most part, but if an Asgardian citizen were to diss them, he/she can be punished?
In my own country, there is a tradition, where a person can diss its most cherished values, and while that person may not be very popular, his or her right to speak such opinions is protected under our constitution. You can read it in the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
The Asgardian Constitution has parts that claim the right of every citizen to speak his or her mind... and then talks about how under certain conditions, the government can restrict those rights.
On the whole, I feel this constitution was poorly written and needs serious revisions.
As I said in the beginning, in its present form, I can't vote for it.