I would like to propose a system:
Two possibilities to be in place of management:
The votes exceed 50% +1 person present and not voting white.
In this case, a list is made in proportion to the number of persons in that department. These people will vote the laws and others related to this section (proportionality to debate.)
Second possibility: Votes are 50% or less. In this case, people are randomly selected in the department's management area, replace and post protection, of course. Thus, everyone has as much chance of being able to actually direct and will not be sidelined.
To these people is added a commission of respect for the rights of the man and the citizen who will check the acts of these people.
The latter will be both voting to protect the non-members of the ministries and both to verify that the laws and the other do not exceed the directives of the ministry, the constitution and the respect of the person. They therefore have a right of veto which is only applicable to the hunanimity of this group.
These people are chosen from the whole population. In the event that they abuse their veto, they will lose the right to belong to any government department or group (except their position, except for positions of responsibility).
Finally, the legislation will only be chosen and validated by the people: Every created law will have to go through the people directly impacted by the ministries will have to vote for or against the laws, being the last bulwark against political abuse.
Any modification of the salary or modification of the constitution must pass through the whole people who will vote. These mentions must make 50% + 1 to be validated.
Any vote biased by a cheat must be redone, cheaters losing their vote or verification on those votes, for or against the mentions.
Religion can in no way influence votes, religions being proper to each person and to their beliefs.
It is still rough, I am sorry, I do not know how to avoid the spurts provoked by our politicians, whoever they are, wherever they come from.