Apr 3, 17 / Tau 09, 01 16:03 UTC

Re: Discussion for the Constitution Table of Contents  


OK, that sounds very interesting.  I'm going to take a cue from you and I'm going to set up a public address.  I'll email you tonight (from my side of the pond) so that you have my new address.

On a side note: it's moments like these that make you wish for private messaging in these forums, mods...? ;)

Apr 3, 17 / Tau 09, 01 16:56 UTC

I like' to suggest that DPR the Tribe is built by skill of any asgardians

Apr 3, 17 / Tau 09, 01 17:00 UTC

I studied the table of contents seriously. There are V111 chapters and 40 articles in our constitution. Amendment will also be possible in future.All points have been covered in our 

constitution.Our constitution is also alert about the security of it's citizens.great thanks for our experts.

Apr 3, 17 / Tau 09, 01 21:48 UTC

I think ,it is very nice table . There is one thing which i have not understood; in which contents we put the health of the Asgardian citizens ?

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 01:17 UTC

Is Good and great step for our nation!

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 07:14 UTC

I was impressed by all the Asgardia decrees .. I wish more progress towards the wide space ..

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 07:45 UTC

Okay, this seems pretty heavy handed. I was hoping that the constitution would be a bit simpler. More of a rock solid foundation of rights, purpose (mission), and government structure (where it gets its authority, how it makes laws and policy, how it executes those laws and policies, and how powers are checked to prevent dictators and tyrants from ruling and to ensure freedom for all its citizens). 

"Name"? Of what the constitution? It's people? I'm not sure what this is.

"Key Constitutional Terms and Definitions" this is good but "key" seems redundant. The Constitutional terms and definitions are key. We need to know what is meant when we say something especially if it could ever be defined in some other contrary way.

"Status"? Status of what? Where we are now? I'm not sure of the purpose of this one.

"Supreme Values" these are important to know but should be stated clearly in the Preamble or the Declaration of Unity.

 "Citizens of Asgardia", "Location of Citizens" and "Obligation of Citizens" should probably fall under "Constitutional Terms and Definitions" as they are all part of defining what and who a citizen is and what their obligations are. 

"A citizen is a person who... that lives or can live...and who does..."

"Key Citizens Rights and Freedoms" and "Guarantees of Citizens Rights and Freedoms" is redundant. Guaranteeing the Rights and Freedoms is what the constitution is doing. The list of rights and freedoms should be listed in a chapter all to itself.

"Resources" I'm not sure why this is here. Resources is not a constitutional issue. It is a functional issue that the constitutionally formed government should regulate and govern through laws proposed and voted on by either the elected representatives or it's citizens.

"Democracy and Social Justice" should just be "Judicial System", probably "Chapter IV" as our values should have been clearly stated and the system in which it is judged should be structured here.

"Security" should be a right listed as an article under "Chapter II Rights and freedoms" how it is executed should be up to the elected officials as it is forever changing.

"Structure of Government" is probably the 3rd most important thing. That's why I think it should be "Chapter III" right after the  "Chapter I" The Declaration of Unity and "Chapter II Rights and Freedoms".

"State Symbol" and "Capital" are secondary issues if we can't ratify our government structure through the constitution.

"Language" is something we can acknowledge in the definition of a citizen or definition of other terms.

"Government" I'm assuming it's "what kind of government we are going to have"  that should be determined in the terms and definitions or the "Declaration of Unity"

 "Legal System" whether it's the structure or the type it should be stated and clearly structured in "Chapter IV Judicial System"

"Foreign Relations" foreign relation issues should be handled by either the Head of State or the Minister of Foreign Affairs. As to the agenda of Foreign Affairs that should be determined by our vote of Minister Foreign Affairs or articulated in our Declaration of Unity along with our values.

"Administration of Government" all structures and duties of any administration of government should be defined and articulated in "Chapter III Government Structure"

Other than that I think it looks great. All kidding aside these are just my opinions please feel free to critique and discuss. I look forward to well-informed opinions on this.

Thank you

Adam Spears

  Last edited by:  Adam Spears (Asgardian)  on Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 08:15 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 10:38 UTC

Some more food for thought. 

I wish I was better studied on this than I am but I will do my best. I have lots of ideas and input on our future government. 

Are we a democratic communist republic, Democratic Socialism, capitalist Democratic republic? I could discuss the prose and Cons of any of it. Maybe so.where else.

I know the Constitution Table of Contents is a good start and mentioned to outline the Constitution. 

Many people, mostly the Submitted States, look to the countries constitution for guidance and that's a good place to start but another possibly overlooked document is States constitutions. States have to assume governance  independent of any other oversight. In the united States the Federal constitution establishes the limitations of the Federal government. And defines structure and rights and things but it is all in the realm of governing States with "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." 

The limitations of power is emphasis as to bring all the colonies onboard. Asgardia doesn't have that problem. 

I have added and rearranged some chapters from my last post but the overall point is the same.


Chapter I Declaration of Unity

Which should include also but not only source of power, boundaries, and type of government. 

Chapter II Rights and Freedoms

Listing all freedoms in order of importance as many as necessary but no more than the government can guarantee. A process by which can rights can be amended should be provided in a later Chapter.

Chapter III Departments of Government

A detailed description of the basic governmental structure branches of government: legislative, executive, and Judicial. Also describe the duties and responsibilities of elected officials.

I should note that separation of powers is vital. This should be considered with extreme care. No branch should ever have total power to accuse, try, and convict any other. The understanding that there is total and ever vigilant oversight is one measure to prevent corruption in government.

Chapter IV Judicial System

Here should be a list of duties and limitations of the Judical system and department. The means by which Justice is tried and executed.

Chapter VI Executive

List of duties and limitations of the branch of government mentioned to execute and implement the laws of Asgardia.

Chapter VI Legislative

The structure of how laws will be made in Asgardia. Removing the power of money (the ability to create and allocate currency) should be separated from those who make the laws that require funding. Also no branch should have the ability to grant ones own salary, raise, or even be charged with managing its own salary. 

Chapter VII Elections

Define the process by which we elect our government officials. 

This is just as important as separation of powers. The process of elections can be gamed. We need to devise as best we can a system in which it will be difficult or impossible to ascend to an office of influence or power by gaming the electorial system.

Chapter VIII Transitional and Final Provisions

He we should state a clear but difficult means to change or amend the constitution. 

That is all for now. Bigred and Yovy think, you two have some well considered and thoughtful ideas.

  Last edited by:  Adam Spears (Asgardian)  on Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 10:46 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 17:44 UTC

Good afternoon, Asgardians!

The content is based on the balance and protection of our community and the environment that we will have, we must prioritize in the fundamental principles of each of the citizens, make clear the rights and duties and we can socialize together for decision making .

It is up to us all to create a new society in peace and harmony.

A hug.

Arnold Escalante G.

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 17:50 UTC

and for gods sake translate for the maximum possible language the Constitution when its goes out to better understanding/discussion about it (since not everyone have a fluent english,like me )

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 23:03 UTC

Esta es mi propuesta de algunos de los artículos. Traducido por traductor Googgle 

Artículo 1. Nombre 
El nombre es de Nación Asgardia. 

Artículo 3. Estado 
La Nación de Asgardia es un sujeto de derecho internacional, soberano e independiente. 
Es un estado sin territorio y sin pretensiones territoriales sobre la superficie del planeta Tierra. 

Artículo 4. Misión 
La Nación de Asgardia tiene como misión la paz entre las naciones, la protección de la Tierra y el uso pacífico del espacio. 

Artículo 32. Parlamento 

1. El Parlamento estará formado por un mínimo de 50 y un máximo de 70 representantes. 

2. Cada representación es elegido por un distrito. 

3. Una ley regulará la composición de los distritos electorales, y todo lo relacionado con el proceso electoral.
  Last edited by:  Juan Rodriguez (Asgardian)  on Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 23:05 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 23:06 UTC

This is my proposal for some of the articles. Translated by googgle translator 

Article 1. Name 
The name is Nation of Asgardia. 

Article 3. Status 
The Nation of Asgardia is a Subject of International Law, sovereign and independent. 
It is a state without territory and without territorial claims on the surface of the planet Earth. 

Article 4. Mission 
The Nation of Asgardia has as its mission peace between nations, the protection of the Earth and the peaceful use of space. 

Article 32. Parliament 

1. Parliament shall consist of a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 70 representatives. 

2. Each representation is elected by a district. 

3. A law will regulate the composition of electoral districts, and everything related to the electoral process.

Apr 5, 17 / Tau 11, 01 00:24 UTC


"i) The constitution is a document for citizens to read, understand and accept. The document should be written with terminology that people would understand and be able to apply to everyday life. A constitution is not a liturgy of "legalese", it should be a clear and concise explaination of the concepts and structure of the society a citizen is to live within."

Quite honestly, this is my biggest concern.

Apr 5, 17 / Tau 11, 01 00:41 UTC


"Many people, mostly the Submitted States, look to the countries constitution for guidance and that's a good place to start but another possibly overlooked document is States constitutions. States have to assume governance  independent of any other oversight. In the united States the Federal constitution establishes the limitations of the Federal government. And defines structure and rights and things but it is all in the realm of governing States with "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." "

Well, considering that 160 countries around the world have modeled their own constitution, either in whole or in part, on the constitution of the USA, I'll say it is a great starting point.

Also, we do not consider our constitution to be "Federal" (I do understand what you mean by this, though), the government of the respective states also have to abide by the constitution, even when they have their own state constitutions, based on a constitutional amendment (incorporation).  

Apr 5, 17 / Tau 11, 01 02:18 UTC

@rincoadeje if we have no territory, how do you define districs?