May 21, 17 / Can 01, 01 06:27 UTC
Re: Discussion of the draft Constitution ¶
The intellectual property of civil and military technologies, theories, explicitly artistic work and the product of artistic works remains under the authority of the government of Asgardia as long as released for the citizens of Asgardia. Civil technologies, theories, artistic work and the product of artistic work must be freely accessible by all Asgardians without costs for non-commercial and personal use. The manufacturing of technology and products in general, including manufacturing for export purposes, based on that intellectual property is overseen and regulated by the government of Asgardia and attached laws.
Nihylum You had a good rewrite till Dir10 If I invent create produce or export anything what right does a government have to oversee or regulate other than proper registration to protect my IP or Patent Rights or to make sure that it's safe to use
If you want to kill creativity,don't let some one make a living and Asgardia will fall apart from the beginning
Look like it or not Asgardia is a business venture just any other country Look at Germany don't they own half of T-Mobile . Or did at one time How do you think the EU pays for all those free services that taxs don't cover it's a 50-50 splite in the major businesses ,and the rest of the planet pays for them when they buy Cars, Steel,Electronics ,so on and so forth But if the government of Asgardia wants to partner ,as much as I don't relish the idea .I go alond with it
Last edited by: nihylum (Asgardian) on 20 May 2017, 7:50 a.m., edited 1 time in total.
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