May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 04:50 UTC

Re: Discussion of the draft Constitution  

Contents of Asgardia are copyrighted, I hope you have the authorization of Asgardia Officials to republish it at GitHub.

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 05:08 UTC

@ nihylum(Asgardian) on 23 May 2017, 4:50 a.m.

Contents of Asgardia are copyrighted, I hope you have the authorization of Asgardia Officials to republish it at GitHub.

Thanks for the reminder. I have removed copyrighted docs (original PDFs from Asgarda.Space). 

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 05:26 UTC

You're welcome. The last thing I will see is people in danger for breaking laws or copyrights here.

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 08:12 UTC

Hey all, i want to join Asgardia Constitution Draft and I already send the email to volunteer asgardia a few days ago but reply is still not coming, I'm thankful if someone help and solve this problem, thanks again.

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 10:45 UTC

I have read the draft Constitution in the Russian language, it makes a very strange impression. 

A Constitutional Monarchy, the Royal Council, taxes, orbital weapon platforms... and other Galactic Empires... somehow it does not fit with the stated values next. 

I was expecting to see something similar to the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok heyday of the Soviet Union, but not a remake of Saudi Arabia (without the oil). 

Consider, for the period of the formation really should be as broad powers of the founder (as the captain on the ship), but then the principles should be very different. requires serious processing. 

It is impossible, as in the mythology of the "pour new wine into old wineskins", to reproduce the inefficient models (all the most famous monarchy in the result or more or less catastrophically disintegrated, or quietly stagnate). 

Perhaps influenced by the impressions of childhood, but "bright space future" was not what I expected.

I don't like it.

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 11:11 UTC

My clear opinion: cyber currency should be firmly tied to measurable physical units. 

The only way possible to avoid uncontrolled emissions, and other tricks that are typical today for all traditional currencies after abandoning the gold standard. 

A good example is given in the SF novel by Vladimir Savchenko "Behind the pass" (sorry, I can't find the English translation and give a link). 

There in the network economy is a unit of "BiJ" ("Bit - Joule"). Emissions of BiJes is determined by the total amount of produced information and are produced or stored (unscattered) energy. There is generally a lot of practical advice on the subject, although the model described at the end of the 1970s. 

About the nature of "Gor" not specified anything. Under existing conditions, it is easily subjected to manipulation of speculators.

  Last edited by:  Dmitry Novoseltsev (Asgardian)  on May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 11:11 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 12:36 UTC

What is this?

Heritable Gerontocracy?!

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 14:05 UTC

Due to concerns about the term "propaganda of immorality" could I ask that something more specific than the concept of 'morals' be considered? Moral codes tend to be amorphous and can be manipulated to mean pretty much anything that is disagreed with by the holder. A constitution should always be written with an eye on possible abuses of it by any future party to it.

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 14:28 UTC

Серьезным упущением, на мой взгляд, является то, что проект Конституции Асгардии не включает такой цивилизационной ценности как семья. Семья в Асгардии может формироваться в нескольких вариантах: создаваемая гражданами Асгардии, и состоящая из Гражданина Асгардии и земного жителя, и вхождением земной семьи в этом её качестве в гражданство Асгардии. По любому варианту, семейные отличия Асгардца от семейных признаков земного жителя, должны быть прописаны в Конституции. Например, гражданин Асгардии может состоять в нескольких семейных парах в разных национальных государствах Земли.

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 14:35 UTC

Превосходно понимается текст Конституции теперь и на русском языке! Это главное-спасибо. По структуре и по содержанию проекта Документа есть одна сквозная проблема: как разделить в одном документе светское, военное, институциональное и социальное.... Надо понимать текст как весьма кратковременный черновой документ, необходимый к ДАТЕ. (?)

  Last edited by:  Vladimir Onoprienko (Candidate, Asgardian)  on May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 14:37 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: уточнение

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 15:25 UTC

I agree to pay taxes because that's normal. Who else will pay for all our future activities? But the taxes should be made conditional on the country of origin. We must show consideration for Asgardians from poor countries. And now to the different ages, I would like to be changed ::

Article 32.paragraph 6 :.....over the age of 30, Article 34.paragraph 3.:.....who have reached the Age of 40, Article 35.paragraph 4 : Ministers aged between 30 an 65.

I write these words, because in Austria we have a very popular Minister who is 30.

Much success and thank you for your hard working !

Brigitte Kreisl-Walch

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 15:51 UTC


I have to wholheartedly disagree with you on the constitutional monarchy being one of the best forms of government. Let me illustrate using the example from my country, Australia.

Yes, citizens can elect representatives to parliament - tick. But that is about where the good ends.

There is no prerequisite for politicians to be proficient in a potrfolio to become Ministers. So, you end up with the rediculous situation where you can have an investment banker as the Minister for the Environment, a lawyer as the Minister for Health or a manager of public affairs being the Minister for Education. Ministers are selected on the basis of keeping political factions happy and rewarding loyalty. Merit very rarely is a consideration to appoint a minister.

Then you have the head of state - officially a 91 year old woman who lives 15,000km away. She has a representative in Australia (the Govenor General) who acts as the defacto head of state who (wait for it) is not appointed by the Queen,  but by the government! The position hold no real power though and is essentially a glorified ribbon cutter that is kept at the taxpayer's expense.

The best form of government doesn't exist yet. Mainly because no country has been brave enough to beak the status quo. This is why I am so disappointed with the draft constitution. There is a chance to create a newer and better democracy and many people have suggested very interesting and workable models. Instead, a system of government that first dates back to the Bronze Age has been proposed.

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 15:52 UTC

To clarify. 

Today, the ISS crews to live and work on a model of a real or practical communism (those who, because of cultural characteristics has a negative perception of the term "communism", please find a positive synonym). 

None of the crew members is not an employer or an employee to other members of the crew. All are skilled professionals, by default, performs a complex but interesting work and also by default provided with everything necessary for living and working - or the involvement of such professionals is not profitable, because does not allow to fully use their potential. Because of this security they perform a difficult job mainly because of internal psychological motivation. This model - the most worthy from the point of view of the person. 

(As noted in one of the articles by Boris Stern: "Why on Mars are not rogues, louts and fools? Because it is very difficult").

 First and foremost the Constitution should be answered that the purpose of activity - formation of such societies, "cosmic crew", in planetary significant scale, at least - is the asymptotic approximation to it. Everything else, including any bureaucratic procedures - just the deviation, the inevitable correction for the imperfection of real processes. 

The solution space of the task requires the appropriate type of society, not the reproduction of the archaic with some new technological add-ons.

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 15:53 UTC

To clarify. 

Today, the ISS crews to live and work on a model of a real or practical communism (those who, because of cultural characteristics has a negative perception of the term "communism", please find a positive synonym). 

None of the crew members is not an employer or an employee to other members of the crew. All are skilled professionals, by default, performs a complex but interesting work and also by default provided with everything necessary for living and working - or the involvement of such professionals is not profitable, because does not allow to fully use their potential. Because of this security they perform a difficult job mainly because of internal psychological motivation. This model - the most worthy from the point of view of the person. 

(As noted in one of the articles by Boris Stern: "Why on Mars are not rogues, louts and fools? Because it is very difficult").

 First and foremost the Constitution should be answered that the purpose of activity - formation of such societies, "cosmic crew", in planetary significant scale, at least - is the asymptotic approximation to it. Everything else, including any bureaucratic procedures - just the deviation, the inevitable correction for the imperfection of real processes. 

The solution space of the task requires the appropriate type of society, not the reproduction of the archaic with some new technological add-ons.

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 15:56 UTC

I have been going through the suggested revisions to the working draft of the Constitution, and I see big problem with the current Forum Variance for Article 34, Section 12c. Suggesting that Ministers should nominated by anyone unaffiliated with the field that they are supposed to lead is absurd. I would not want my painters deciding who leads engineering anymore than I would want my mechanics deciding who leads our artistic direction. If placed in the hands of the population, appointment should be limited to those working within that Ministry. As far as removal, I believe it should be proposed by either the Head of State, Parliament, Council, or Judiciary and then that removal should be voted on by the entire population. You could even have the Ministers voted in publically after they were nominees were brought forward by their peers.

That being said, the more things are opened up to public vote, the more inefficient the entire system becomes. You go from having a main government election once a year, to one every other month, or so, while still having to vote in regular local elections on ministry actions and local government propositions.