11. The Head of State enjoys immunity and is granted a lifetime guarantee of personal safety and the safety of his/her property after leaving the role.
There are just to much privilages to the head of state. He is like a God/Dictator by those rules, nobody can do anything against him and he is elected by the former head of state so that means same shit as here on earth, but different spoon to eat the shit they give us. I was really into all this but now as I read this constituon I myself am disapointed.
Everything would be lead by one dude, the head of state... It doesn't look like a free state a future space nation. It just looks like a comunits, fashist, dictatorship by one dude who calls himself a head of the state. He controls the cort, laws, diplomacy, taxes, banks and everything else.... Just wtf?
11. The Head of State may dissolve Parliament. The Prosecutor General may propose the dissolution of Parliament to the Royal Court. If the Royal Court agrees with the arguments made, it may dissolve Parliament in accordance with the law.
Parliament is the only thing citizens have and it could be disolved by the head....
Gor really? Money, the root to all Earth problems...
Taxes for a idea of a space nation? Really...
The National Audit Office comprises the Chairman of the National Audit Office and auditors. The National Audit Office Chairman is appointed for a five year term and removed from post by the Head of State. National Audit Office auditors are appointed by Parliament independently for five year terms.
Inspection is also controlled by the Head of state..
Article 47. Special procedure for election of a new Head of State If elections for a new Head of State are scheduled within the first five years of adoption of the Constitution, the requirements of Asgardia’s Constitution concerning the candidate for the position of Head of State holding space citizenship for at least five years do not apply.
Who does have the space citizenship as long as 5 years? Nobody.
That just means that Igor can't be replaced in those first 5 years...
The part where people must be older then 40 to actually do political things is also a huge load of shit to protect Igor because most of the Asgardia population is younger then 40 years.
I understand, you created this and you just want to protect yourself in it but creating a dictatorship where you could be called King and have his own private ,,corporation,, is just not the idea which I signed for, when all this started....