Ok, hold on, let me try to make some sense of this:
You open up with the following post:
>> I agree with @Protean,
>> I was disgusted to find LoreZyras candidate letter and find he is a member of the asgardia staff, how easily he has turned his back on his colleagues or has he just stabbed them in the back? By creating misleading posts like this in everycorner of the forum. I also want to know where his opinion is better than that of a team of legal advisors. I found his online resume and see nowhere his legal experience (http://www.richiebartlett.com/). Seems more like a lego hobbyist wanting to run his own lego empire.
>> I think if he really is a member of staff he has already broken his campaign promises of standing up for people as he has already proven that his own ambition is bigger than his responsibility to his colleagues.
>> In the most I agree with the admin decisions on this site, but I do see problems with the constitution and would like answers on how they are going to be solved, but this is not the way to go about doing so.
>> and is it me or do you have a little rebel army following you around in every corner backing you up and bullying anyone who disagrees with you or your proposals. Should this be added to your draft that the head of state (you) be given a private army to silence anyone who disagrees.
>> and you talk of North Korea,
So, herein you immediately attack him not only as a candidate, but as a citizen and a human being. Ignoring the fact this is against the ToS for the forums, you are allowed to continue because under the Constitution the right of free speech is now inviolate (meaning, no one can ever be banned from posting again if they are a citizen, something I doubt administration took into account with this Constitution).
If I am reading this correctly you are basically accusing him of being a turncoat on the general population in your first paragraph without providing any evidence of this, and demanding you be proven wrong. Given that it is impossible to prove a negative, you are setting up a situation in which his failure is assured and now complaining that he is not engaging it in the manner you know he will fail.
Next, over the course of the next couple of paragraphs, you accuse him of leading some rebel army (which, knowing the parties involved, I cannot help but laugh at the idea of this undisciplined group ever being mistaken for an army), and bullying people. Again, you do so with no evidence and, again, demand he prove you wrong (see previous paragraph).
Next, you make similarities with North Korea, which is the latest Internet version of calling someone a Nazi: a way of staining reputation without, again, demonstrating any actual association.
The next few posts continue the personal attacks on Lore and you use his friends coming to his defense as proof of nefarious dealings? Exactly how did you expect his friends to behave when you are doing your absolute best to slander him? Sit by and do nothing? The idea that his friends would stand by and say nothing just demonstrates you are trolling, not possessing of any real arguments, and wanting to damage him politically.
In fact, instead of responding to your mudslinging with the same complete disregard for respect and courtesy that you have shown, he actually took the high road, invited you cordially, and was POLITE TO YOU. HOW DARE HE BE NICE TO YOU WHEN YOU ARE BEHAVING LIKE SUCH AN ASS! It made it harder for you to justify your course of action, so you instead took to attacking those around him who chose to support him.
You attacked Elwe (who loves to engage in forum battles), and petrv (who never, ever, backs down even when he should) for nothing more than their wanting to defend their friend.
Sorry, Buck, but you really should stop here. And to think, I named my first dog after you (well, the guy on the TV series).