§8) If the HoN can dissolve the parliament anytime there is a hint of motions to remove the HoN, how does this provide any true balance of power???! Effectively, the parliament is useless to remove the HoN (unless mentally incapable of giving orders)!!
Additionally, if the HoN appoints “the Supreme Space Court Justice, the Chairman of the National Audit Office, [and] the Chairman of the Supreme Space Council,” how would the undefined
Royal Court confirm any charges against the HoN?? Since the leadership of these entities are directly appointed and assumed to be in favor of the HoN… For example, the Chairman of the Space Council could, as a friend to the HoN, remove any and all fellow council-person and prevent a majority to bring the motion of removal…
§8a) This clause is the only clause with weight to remove the HoN. Only by medical incapacitation would the parliament be able to remove the HoN…
§8b) “Royal Court” is not defined! Is this the same as the “Supreme Space Court?”
This is a two-factor clause that requires a) the undefined
royal court’s approval; and b) crimes of undefined
treason to be brought about by the “Prosecutor General.” Which, BTW, is a role appointed by the HoN!! The Prosecutor General can be replaced anytime an accusation is brought up. Absolutely ridiculous!
There is a huge problem with this is how the power structure is setup. The HoN is given the power to appoint all the major leaders whom we can safely assume will be against any negative action on the HoN. Additionally, I can guarantee that the HoN will veto any candidate-member of the Space Council he/she feels may one day vote against him/her…
§9) The HoN may be able to appoint key positions, but a separate branch should hold the power to remove them. These powers should not be held by the same position!
§9a) (same as last point) The HoN should not have the power to appoint and remove. I’m fine with the HoN making appointments. I vehemently disagree with the HoN having removal powers. Furthermore, will there be only one Supreme Justice??
§9b) Again, while candidates for appointed-only (non-elected) positions can be suggested by the HoN, the HoN should not be trusted to remove them. That should fall to the judiciary branch. “Royal Court” is undefined! Is this the Supreme Space Court?
§9c) The HoN should not be able to dissolve the Parliament! There is nothing to stop the HoN from constantly dissolving the Parliament every time he/she feels like it. The dissolution of parliament quickly throws the entire government into disarray and incapable of enforcing/enacting Laws. Perhaps the Judiciary branch should be in charge of the dissolution of Parliament and its members. Additionally, there is no set timeframe to re-establish the new Parliament after dissolution! Per this document, the HoN could not only dissolve Parliament, but decree that it’s not needed.
§9d) Yes, the HoN should be enabled to sign treaties on the behalf of the Nation. However, the treaties must be finally approved by the Parliament and Supervisory branch.
§9f) This should be used with discretion. There should be defined limits.
§9g) I agree. The HoN should be able to forgive a Citizen of any crime.
§9h) These staff should not have direct business interest that would influence the position of their post. There should be guidelines well defined for all staff to serve the HoN.
§9i) Again, the members of these discussion and advisory groups must not be directly involved in a business. All business interest must be placed into a blind-trust for the duration of their post. There should be a clearly defined qualification list that ensures no conflict of interest.
§9j) Okay, we can leave room for other duties to be amended later. There should be a review process lead by the supervisory branch to ensure the HoN doesn’t abuse his/her powers.
§*) We don’t want the HoN taking arbitrary actions of War. Why was the provision “Head of [Nation] declares a state of emergency in accordance with the law of Asgardia, which must be subsequently confirmed by Parliament” removed? There should be a check to ensure the HoN is not waging a war without the people’s approval. It should be better defined that the HoN may take immediate actions, but must gain Parliament approval within 48 hours to continue. It should be defined here in addition to having a vague clause in Article 34§10g.