@Kristina - I'm not sure how the people of croatia, syria, serbia, iraq, france (during the various wonderful revolutions of libertarianism), Tibet (Before china stepped in), Thailand (the muslim minority), all the countries that Britain invaded etc etc etc would feel about your assertion that democracy and libertarianism have never harmed anyone. Without meaning in any way to be offensive I would suggest you take that cursory glance I mentioned in the previous post.
For the sake of staying on topic humans appear to utilise any means possible to inflict their will on others, so adding minutia of legal law into a document of principle leaves room for an individual to interpret that as the only law. This leaves all other things people might do open to persecution and prosecution. This happens because we try to cover every possible circumstance with these lists of what should and shouldn't be done rather than stating a principle and looking at each situation from the point of view of the principle. This is the regrettable state of our present litigious societies - most of which claim to be democratic or libertarian in some manner.
I applaud your desire to build a new society but repeating the methodology which allowed the problems of the past is not the way to a establish a "better" new thing. Rapturous claims that we have learned and are a new space colony are truly not realistic. This is a big venture that requires the utmost care and the most realistic and unbiased thought processes. It is a political mine field which cannot be seen to be in any way leaving out, favouring or persecuting any item of interest. Lists of things that are acceptable or not acceptable thinking in legal documents automatically designate lines in the sand that can be misinterpreted with dramatic and dreadful results.
On another matter, please remember none of us are the spokesperson for Asgardia or the people of Asgardia and we are not the voice of the majority (whatever that might mean). Therefore it is not really your position to state categorically (or with any authority for that matter) what will and will not be practiced or believed within Asgardia. You may wish for Asgardia to be a certain way however you cannot state that it will be the way you wish. You simply don't have that authority. Secondly by making such sweeping, aggressive and politically totalitarian statements your argument is rendered void. The reason is that you are making a religion out of not allowing others to have their own personal and private beliefs within Asgardia. And you are dictating (in your democratic urgency) what people in Asgardia can and cannot do and think. Effectively you are proving my point and becoming a totalitarian dictator.
Also the statements you posted about religion are absolutely not in line with what is written in both the DoU and the Constitution, as they both specifically mention that we are not to make judgments based on religion. This indicates that religion is a personal private belief system which you (personally) have no right to specify will not be within Asgardia. I personally have no use for religious convention however I believe you are not showing tolerance, maturity or dignity by relegating other people's personal beliefs with the level of disdain and lack of knowledge shown in your post. The DoU specifically states that we are to accept and live with people of all belief systems as long as they are following a principle of unity and concern for others, leading to a growth oriented outlook.
Lastly please do not assume your idea of democracy and libertarianism is the same as everyone else's. I am quite sure (at least I would hope) your enthusiasm for libertarianism is not the same as that enacted during the french revolution. And please do not say "we have learned from that" because the enactment of similar attitudes happened very recently during the problems in croatia, serbia and south africa to name just a very few.
I understand you are anxious and excited about creating the best society possible and wish to remove areas which you feel are intolerant to your own experience. This is a great ideal and needs to be lauded. However if you wish to show tolerance then show it. Learn about others and why they think what they do. Don't try to dictate to others what they can and cannot think.
The funny thing about "rights" is that if I feel I have the "right" to do/think/believe something and the "right" to have others accept it then I really have to admit that every other person also must have the "right" to do/think/believe the exact opposite to me and I also must accept that. Unfortunately this is something we seem to edit out of our list of what we think others should and shouldn't do/think/believe.