Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 06:05 UTC
Re: Discussion of the Second draft Constitution ¶
- KK, and the last thing I'm actually more pissed then this little cosy group here is following:
What are we of a wonderful collective of people, who started to lose trust on each other ?!?
Didn't Igor by himself state "trust me and work with me together, so we can build something beautiful new"
Didn't he state such directly "you don't know anything from me, and I don't know anything about you ... so no one has the reason to mistrust the other one"
Did he rly never mention "The constitution will change a lot , like we all will change in the future" ?
And again I'm asking our wonderful black clothed Rebellion Group - what is now at the end your goal ?!?
Splitting most people all apart , trying to destroy Igor's wish he had towards all of us to trust him, and overall making more and more people to leave
(you'll ask why , or with what intuitions / means - playing the white colored innocent black sheep everywhere, except towards your comrades
> I'm free to restate it again:
- with this path you are chosen to follow the only "good" thing you do - Is let us other remain and people work together and never ever support such plans
You especially Elwe Thor, made me interested in arguing with you | more like forced to get my a** up to date with what we know, and what we are allowed to know :D
- and especially some thanks to @picksur again for the last words
The biggest problem we actually all should take care of as a group, is to change the way information is handled - and for now just trust Igor (like he asked us all)
As the more you argue how "broken" all the system is - the less future you especially will have
I'm happy with this version of the constitution i'v voted for, and I am happy for the next several months that will come - on what this one is based and will let Igor build up our places to work, and also overall create the economy we need to have
If you all dear Rebellion members would put the whole effort you do in arguing with people who will never ever state your intuitions and methods of working -> in maybe work with all persons together (never less how much you like/dislike) any of them | as long as we are moving forward
Maybe like a felt in love person, can't see anymore the reality outside of your "Fight for the Freedom"
black glasses | but you are only making us and the mod/admin team problems - then actually working together so we can get faster forward
Now I know you will argue , ugh he did so much, what did you do - why are you so ungrateful and disrespectful
You know my dear , respect is earned towards actions and both sided trust
I'v stated it also several times on the Discord itself - every person I get to speak and chat with , starts from 0 - only their actions (not any word of others) show me what kind of persons they are , and how the behave as a whole
They may look like innocent sheeps, but are just recolored black ibex - or maybe some call them black bears
So I'm sorry to tell you, but the way you are doing things, they way you are treating persons - forcing up your opinions on them , the way you are spamming topics after topics (even creating one full topic only for the man Buck Rogers - who only shares his looks on the current situation)
- the whole way you behave will NEVER make me vote for anyone of you
And now that this hopefully should be made you rethink something of my statements - even if it is just a little thing | or who knows , feel free to come up with the most creative insulting methods you can - I as an asgardian who accepted the constitution , allow you to use my rights under free speech and insult , troll or do what ever makes you happy towards my name and me itself (soo the mods can freely look away this time)
But I can guarantee you 3 things
- if you start to be d**ckheads in our peaceful Asgardia Gaming Discord , you will directly get kicked out - because we want to have peace there-!
- you can still do whatever you like , I mean who am I to tell you what to do, but if you go against any person who may disagrees your way of work , I will always be there to comment some Wonderfull new lecture why your methods are wrong :'P
- and 3rd , and for now last one ... start to rethink (each one of you not all together) why you even registered beeing an asgardian , when the only thing you do Is create hate , break trust and in simple words want to destroy anything that we will build up | so for god's sake (sorry hahaha) ... leave permanently, if you hate it being asgardians and can't accept anything from Igor or overall his system and methods of working-!
... oh i forgot one more thing, your setted minimum user count is invalid - it can and will always be invalid for this constitution
You can not have a rule inside a rule inside a rule - the stated constitution rules only count towards next votes and never ever towards this one
As there is no decree that states a minimum required voting count - this constitution by now 2nd Asgard is fully active and valid as it is
We needed a no button and yes, we needed a decree for fixing some basic laws | but it is like it is - live with it and then work together so such unprofessionalism never happens , or restrain and let us happy asgardians in peace
Thank you
- Veii