Jan 12, 17 / Aqu 12, 01 21:46 UTC

How will the constitution and all the ministries be supported?  

Will there be representation?

If so, what does that look like?

How does one get elected to represent?

Jan 15, 17 / Aqu 15, 01 23:50 UTC

The actual form of the government we should end up with is still something of a debate. I personally favour a "direct democracy" wherein the only "support" ministries would require is your input. Any public figurehead that exists in such a model would mostly be that, a figurehead, with the citizens themselves being in control of the actual decisive capacity. Quite how this should be selected I've not lent much thought, but someone who we collectively consider to best represent us on an international stage is a certainty. This should prevent movement in a direction the entire nation does not want to be moving, and serve to solve almost every conceivable form of corruption.

tl;dr: We haven't decided yet. Now would be a good time to think about what you'd like to see, and how to make it happen.

Jun 22, 17 / Leo 05, 01 00:19 UTC

Thank you for your comment, EyeR.

I understand what you are saying on all your points.  

I guess what I was trying to understand, are the roles in government.  Ministries, is the word they chose to use, which brings to mind a certain stereo type, of rooms full of people siting in front of typewriters, busy at updating rules and laws and answering the peoples questions.

How will the ministries be supported?  Financially and physically.

Jun 23, 17 / Leo 06, 01 14:14 UTC

Per the consitution, you will pay taxes to support these ministries. If you are over the age of 40 you can vote on a representative, who in turn can work with his/her fellows to nominate a successor to the king (provided the king doesn't reject the choice). Ministry powers generally flow form the parliament, but the king can override them at will. 

If you are under 40 then you can pay taxes and hope someone over 40 will listen to you.