What a Constitution must clear out, as I see it, is the frame that fences the space laws can move according every different social situation. Sometimes laws must be adapted to match a changing reality. Internet or Asgardia themselves are pretty good examples how laws need to evolve to adapt to the changes that human non-conformist imagination generate.
To me, what really matter is that those ten points assure that laws provide justice, and equal treat to every single being. Only in a place where equality is the norm, justice will be the rule. That involves that no gender or spice categories can be used, and we all should be raised understanding it.
-1. Constant reach of social equality.
-2. Access to education. Understanding education as a self-improvement process, not necessarily what nowadays understand as education.
-3. All essential resources (energy, food, water, health care) will be property of all Asgardia nationals, and managed to provide to all of them equally.
-4. Right to a decent, adequate living space.
-5. Every Asgardian has the right to free speech, as far as it is done in a respectful way without harm of any being.
-6. Asgardians will promote respect between minorities. Since every being is different to each other, which means every being is a minority.
-7. Knowledge and social development are a common wealth and understood as the major factor of growth.
-8. Every being is right to praise any god they believe in, if they do so. But they must respect other beliefs.
-9. Any being privacy and preferences must be respected and never violated.
-10. Asgardia efforts must be always directed to give beings the chance to fulfil their personal growth.
-11. Anyone who embraces Asgardia's principles can be Asgardian, no matter where they come from.
I've used beings, I don't know if correctly, because as an open minded and a pro-science society we could contemplate the fact that other forms of life can be found and there's a chance they would like to become Asgardians.
For the same reason I believe that gender labels must be removed. If we believe we are all people, and we are all equal, gender tags are not reasonable.
Some points might be a bit open because I believe that there must be a very thoughtful design of the educational/self-improving system. This is, to me, the key to bring grown ups who care about being happy self-improving and challenging themselves just for the sake of beating their own limits and nothing else.
Well, that was a quick thought on it. Probably, the best way to do it is with people, debating and challenging arguments to either discard them or to make them stronger.