Dec 2, 17 / Cap 00, 01 21:33 UTC

Re: Secularity and Scientocracy  

It may honestly end up being more of a Technocracy which is driven, of course, by science.
I like what you are thinking.

Dec 3, 17 / Cap 01, 01 02:04 UTC

In another thread I recommend what I am calling a Social Technocracy.

Reposted here:

Perhaps we should work towards a Social (values driven) Technocracy (science and technology) government where science and technology is driven to support the people, guided and moderated by such philosophical ideas such as:

* Interdependence
* Sustainability
* Justice and Compassion
* Equity
* Education

We will have the Technocractic balanced and guided by the Social Philosophical aspects who goals would be set by the government. 

* Council of Asgardian Values (organization representing the values and philosoph)
* Council of Science and Technology (organization representing the collective science and technology professionals and ideals)
* Government (sets goals)

For me, what you are suggesting - using science to achieve positive behavioural outcomes would fall under a Technocracy, at least I am using it.

Social Technocracy: using science and technology as a primary driving force to achieve as sustainable and equitable society.
Science applied to all facets of Human civilization: energy, architecture, waste management, and behaviour too. 

Using science to help make sure people are happy is a good thing, although, of course, under the wrong hands this could go horribly awry, which is partially why my thoughts on a social democracy provides a balance between, goal setting, philosophy. and methodology.

How does that sound?

Dec 3, 17 / Cap 01, 01 05:39 UTC

Yea, that is what I am meaning. 

Yea, I have a significant commentary on the Constitution.
I have not looked at specifically how to rewrite the constitution to fit this model.

However, your idea of seeing how it fits according to the existing model sounds like a great start. 

I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas. You definitely sound like you have spent some time studying this stuff.

Dec 4, 17 / Cap 02, 01 18:37 UTC

Good stuff.

I will keep this in mind!