With how easy it is to manipulate the voting process, the current state of the Constitution, and the overall behaviors of the current high-level administrators, I have already come to grips with the idea that I will be voting No for the Constitution. This is somewhat ironic, as I was one of the first 4000 people to even sign up to this project. I had faith in the idea but now have no faith in the implementation.
With that said, that leads me to deduce what will happen to me after that decision is made. According to the 'rules' as they are at present, I will still be allowed access to these forums, and be given the ability to post. Beyond that, however, I will not be given any rights nor responsibilities under the Constitution to any Asgardian. I am even uncertain if I would be allowed to call myself an Asgardian or not at that point.
Thankfully, I have never had my 'tribe' decide who I am. Neither this nor any other tribe decides who I really am, just to whom I choose to associate myself. In that manner, I have found a few people on here I wouldn't mind associating with, and many of them wish to vote No on the Constitution as well.