Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 13:00 UTC
Re: Voting Regulations ¶
As a matter of fact, this (so called) "voting procedure" is so strange that most of the users will choose to "accept the Constitution" nothig more than to find out if it will be possible to vote after that, too late discovering that they already did it (and, worth remembering, it's impossible to change our vote, after having "expressed" it).
One would expect two boxes ("yes" and "no") and a "Vote" button, but things have been arranged so that to "capture" the most possible number of (positive) votes, even if in this bad way: that's the Asgardia we're facing now, the one who needs to lie you to grab your vote, that's the Asgardia we'll have to expect for the future.
They're also acting directly against the Voting Regulations:
- Art.1 expressly states that "Voting will take place over the course of a 24-hour period on 1st Asgard (18th June 2017) (...)"
- Art.4 expressly states that "(...) Voters will have to choose “yes” or “no” in response to the question: “Do you adopt the Declaration of Unity/the Constitution of Asgardia?”
- Art.5 expressly states that "(...) In the case of disagreement with the Declaration of Unity of Asgardia and the Constitution of Asgardia, the individual will remain on the second level of verication."
Now, I'm sure all can see that yesterday wasn't "18th june 2017" nor "1st Asgard", the same as all can see there are no "yes or no" choices to select and, finally, absolutely no way to explicitly express "disagreement".
Thus these elections MUST BE DECLARED NULL (or "illegal", as you prefer) as they're expressly against the 3rd Decree by Head of Nation.