Jun 11, 17 / Can 22, 01 12:30 UTC

Re: Which Constitution would you want, if you had to choose today?  


Here I would like to make a clarification: Asgardia - is all-people democratic nookratic technocracy

Mechanisms of noocracy I wrote before: the current weight of the voice of the citizen on a particular issue is determined by his/her current level of intelligence and competence on this issue. 

Well, according to the status of an elected head of state (I offered to call him/her an Operator): it is undesirable that he/she held  two consecutive terms - there are a lot of presidents when the first time the head of state only works on the provision of a second. I suggested - perhaps the election of one entity to an unlimited number of times, but not two consecutive terms. 

Overall with this project I agree.

  Last edited by:  Dmitry Novoseltsev (Asgardian)  on Jun 11, 17 / Can 22, 01 12:31 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jun 12, 17 / Can 23, 01 05:19 UTC

And additionally.

But for nookratic technocracy – to avoid perspectives of the usurpation of power by techno-oligarchy, as in the novel "Aelita" by Alexei Tolstoy, 1927 (there is Martian Supreme government structure called the Supreme Council of Engineers, and in fact a dynastic autocracy with elements of theocracy), to make some additions to the procedure for the selection of candidates for responsible positions. In addition to the previously mentioned IQ and the factor of competence, they need to determine another indicator. Let's call it, for example, "coefficient of altruism". 

There are already many studies of these factors, including their genetic sources (meadow and steppe voles, hamsters now, it seems, and people allocated to certain groups of genes). But the rules of the game of Asgardia people cannot be discriminated against for an innate genetic (i.e., independent of their conscious choice) featured. Remain the results of computer psychological testing. 

For a candidate for the position of Asgardia objectively a certain ratio of "altruism/selfishness" in an obvious way should be more than 1.0. 

Otherwise you will get an usurpation of power clever scoundrels, from which it will be very difficult to get rid of legitimate ways. So, one of the most famous swindlers of the late XX – early XXI century, Boris Berezovsky, was formerly known mathematician, academician of the USSR. Such people are easy to pass any formal technocratic criteria, but then they will destroy and plunder everything that is possible, in their own interests.

Jun 12, 17 / Can 23, 01 15:32 UTC

I would like to make a few more amendments on the following points of Asgardia.Constitution.Proposal.txt - Democratic Technocracy 

For example, there are the following theses. 

We, the people of planet Earth, irrespective of our place of birth, residence, earthly citizenship, language, gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, beliefs, or financial standing of Earth nation states, use our free choice, will, and conviction, in the desire to:

§ 4. All citizens of Asgardia are equal, regardless of their place of birth, residence, earthly citizenship, language, gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, beliefs, or financial standing of Earth nation states…

But it's in the literature the postmodernism is justified, in reality, not all possible equitable system. There are those that are generated and stored in the course of natural selection as the most adequate, and other are marginal. I would like to clarify these points such additions.

- The basic belief system in Asgardia is a representation of the real existence of the world and the objective nature of existing it laws, the effectiveness and adequacy of which is proved in the course of evolution of human culture (scientific-technical progress). Allowed as an equal other personal beliefs of individuals if they are conscious of free choice for adults, capable people and do not involve the infliction of physical, moral or any other damage to others. (For example, categorically are not allowed indoctrination of children of different sects, especially with reference to the fundamentally unverifiable sources – someone's testimony, alleged translations of ancient texts, the source of which is inaccessible, etc.).

- Basic form of sexual and family relations in Asgardia is a monogamous heterosexual couple, the efficiency and adequacy of which is proved in the course of evolution of the human species and human culture. Permitted as equal to other forms of relations between individuals, if they are conscious of free choice for adults, capable people and do not involve the infliction of physical, moral or any other damage to others. (For example, expressly prohibited the involvement of children in sexual practices).

The same principle applies to other projects of the Constitution.

Of course, in the more distant future in the course of biological and psychological (including managed bio - and psycho-technological) human evolution these points can be changed.

Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 13:35 UTC

@Protean(Asgardian) on 7 June 2017, 11:40 p.m. 

How can some of you be against a monarchy, yet propose a technocracy where only those who work in a very specialised field will rule (oligarchy as pointed out on wiki)?

If you read through the proposal I devised, you will noticed that I place term limits on all positions. No one, even judges, are allowed to take office indefinitely. The parliament is the only office without term limits and are elected directly by citizens from citizen candidates. What I proposed, while not perfect, would ensure that citizens can rotate the office through elections with fresh idealist. Even the Council is appointed by citizen Parliament. An Oligarchy is not democratic in nature. Nor does it draw from the general citizenry to fill government positions. Oligarchy and Plutocracy are powered by a strict minority with internally set qualifications (e.g. wealth, social connections, knowledge, etc.). Typically, in these Oligarchical and Plutocratical systems, the office is filled for life. In stark contrast with the Democratic Technocracy I propose is that virtually all positions are limited by terms and number of years. Specialized certifications/training would ideally prevent people with the wrong ideas about power from gaining such positions. This is why I added a couple of checks and balances. Every office is impeachable. No office is allowed to take bribes, titles (beyond their office), nor any other special "award" in exchange for a political favor. 

I invite everyone to review and critique my proposal. I am not without faults. As is the document I rushed to create... It too, I imagine has much room for improvement.

  Last edited by:  Richie Bartlett (Asgardian)  on Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 13:36 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 16:15 UTC

Thank you for the thread, Lore. Democratic Parliamentary System works for me (as would democratic republic, but I won't muddy the waters) as does Democratic Technocracy, given the caveats in your proposal.

"Constitutional monarchy" is a nonsense for a new nation. I live in one, and support it - but only because it was born out of historical necessity, and to avoid a bloody revolution. The fact that the draft Asgardian constitution (and the speakers in the second conference) take "constitutional monarchy" as a given, as wioth the term "Space Kingdom", yet coyly fail to go the logical next step and call the Head of Nation "King" or "Queen" speaks volumes. I'm pleased to see that the majority so far agree.