Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 13:45 UTC

Working Thread - Compilation of Community Suggestions for the Asgardia Constituion  

Hello all!

The team to start compiling the community suggestions for the Asgardia Consitution has been gathered and are now working on pulling all of the great suggestions from the Asgardia community into one document. They will be gathering all suggestions made up until and including February 26, 2017 and compiling them in the below document.


The community can view their progress but will not be able to input their suggestions, only the community members can. Please be respectful of their work and of them giving what spare time they have to help complete this important project.

There is a deadline of March 31, 2017 set for completion with a stretch date of April 15, 2017. After, this document will be sent to a legal team who has experience in constitution law to pull together into a full legal document.

Kind regards,
Rebekah Berg, Lead Community Administrator, Asgardia

  Last edited by:  Rebekah Berg (Asgardian, Lead Admin)  on Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 18:20 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times
Reason: forgot to add link format

Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 14:18 UTC

Nice, very very nice :)

Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 14:44 UTC


Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 16:31 UTC

happy working

Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 17:59 UTC

Great work compiling this document. From my point of view, it is a solid compendium for create a Constitution document.


Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 18:51 UTC




brain melts

Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 19:55 UTC

Hmm, what kind of Constitution is that supposed to be? I don't see anything about Government, voting, or legal system. I see citizens rights in several fields, but I don't see their duties.

Moreover, I didn't even know we were discussing about this topic. Heck I didn't even get my Citizenship Certification yet. And now I find, that all suggestions were due until yesterday? Have I missed Facebook announcement about this? Because I surely didn't get mail with that information.

Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 20:01 UTC

I can't speak for the others, but I plan to update with any suggestions that are made up until the last reasonable moment.

So, if you have a suggestion, make a thread with a suggestion and I'll copy that sucker in there.

We aim to be inclusive!

Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 21:52 UTC


Great work with compiling this document. My point of view is that it's a strong foundation for a Constitution ... Sort of a rough draft before the final work. As I said great work.



Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 23:48 UTC

Bon travail, et bon courage. merci.

Feb 28, 17 / Ari 03, 01 04:05 UTC

When we will get register as official country from UN and When we will get land in earth first. I can understand we have to go step by step to reach space and it will take time.

Feb 28, 17 / Ari 03, 01 05:42 UTC

After the completion of this work .. what will happen and ask the administration after April 15?

Feb 28, 17 / Ari 03, 01 10:54 UTC

Short and simple language should be used in our constitution. There should not be complications like earth countries thanks

Feb 28, 17 / Ari 03, 01 11:25 UTC

Very good, yes it is very necessary. Great ideas.

Mar 2, 17 / Ari 05, 01 21:36 UTC


We are working on it. The citizens rights came first, since it's the topic which had the most suggestions. But we're integrating government structure suggestions, voting procedures proposals and citizens duties right now.
