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While I agree that entertainment is healthy for all to have, I don't find it appropriate to have specified in the Constitution.
Why must uniforms be defined in the Constitution?? This should be defined by the employer or local customs of one's work. I don't see this as appropriate to define at such a high level of governance. Same goes for pets.
Necessities: If we use it in everyday life, then it is a necessity. Food, water, air, clothes, education, health care, communication devices, transportation, energy, housing, etc.. Should all be free.
One's definition of "necessities" can easily become absurd. Of course one's survival depends on the environment, food, and water. However, it quickly becomes absurd when your necessity is, for example, a jetski in space. Unless it's a function of your job to use such a device (at which point it is provided by the employer or community), having such device does not ensure one's survival... I really don't see the need for this section in the Constitution. Perhaps, this could be considered in the civil code sections?
Discrimination: Banned on all fronts! We are human. Doesn't matter where you came from, what language you speak, or what your beliefs are. No discrimination. That only divides us!
This section will be hard to enforce for as long as you have free speech. While discrimination should not be encouraged by any measure, there are times when it is necessary. Discrimination is practical when you must consider the qualifications of someone's skills for a job. If they need to work in small, tight spaces... then they should be of small stature. A large person could not effectively perform the job if they can't physically fit in the working environment! Furthermore, you must discriminate when it comes to any person seeking the title of Doctor (or higher title). You would not wish for a medical Doctor to begin an operation without the proper skills and experience! It's sad that some believe this must be defined at the Constitutional level. Open forums (free speech) would naturally allow one to discriminate their ideas to the public. It is only through this discourse that we can all eventually reach a common ground and understanding. Over time, our concept of "discrimination" should naturally disappear.
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National language
I do agree the lingua franca appears to be English. I don't want to call it "Universal English." Why not borrow a term from Star Wars - "Basic." ;-) The national language of Asgardia should be simply called "Basic."
This is another topic that should be left to the civil code, if it should be defined at all! In Space, having life partners and mates should be left to the citizens to define for as long as it does not interfere with State functions. This also means if one desires multiple mates for the purpose of reproduction, then it should be not be limited. Likewise, if one wishes to have a life partner with the same sex as they have a different sexual identity, it too should not be limited.
Birth Control, mandatory
There should NOT be a defined limit on procreation! We are but specks of dust in space. We need all the help we can get. Even if that help is from our kids! Without a sufficient population, our society will not grow fast enough to survive in space. Furthermore, this section contradicts the section on #Page 2 "Right to have sovereignty over your own body." You cannot have a right to control your body if the government demands birth control. These sections should be completely thrown out! As technological and scientifically inclined society, we should be able to handle the needs of expanding our living space or build/expand a larger spaceship. The more scientist, doctors, engineers we have on board, the more we can accomplish!
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Security measures
I like the idea behind the sec.bracelets... However, it does open the door to illegal forgeries. No matter how advanced the technology, there is always a means to copy or mimic it. Likewise, no amount of encryption will indefinitely safeguard the security and privacy of information stored on the bracelets. Biometric data is much, much harder to mimic and duplicate. Reading retina patterns along with height, weight, skin tone, finger prints, even speech patterns can all be combined in some fashion to create a much harder security to defeat than "simple encryption." And, it should be updated at least once per solar orbit (or other practical time period) to ensure no significant biological changes have occurred. For those capable of reproducing offspring, weight should have a higher tolerance for the metric of security.
Panic buttons are a great idea. Panic rooms??? Is that really needed?