Jan 1, 17 / Aqu 01, 01 19:07 UTC
Re: [Official Post] Writing a valid Constitution : Step 2 - Type of Government ¶
Everyone should know that the constitution as well as the other laws of a country form the set of rules that we can call the border of the nation. Those who belong to such a society act within the boundaries, the rules, the laws, the constitution. Otherwise they are people trying to change rules aggressively or set out for an anarchic system. In a modern society it is so. I am not theorizing, this is what is happening in the world, everywhere today.
We are a nation, we need to know what kind of nation this will be. We need the constitution. The advantage when we create a quasi-theoretical space nation is that if the constitution does not please me I can give up my citizenship, which I can not do here in my country. So the first step towards creating a fictitious country constitution is for it to please its potential citizens.
Pleasing is a rather vague concept, it will depend on the horde of each person, for some the simple fact of having freedom is enough to please, see how many registered citizens came from countries with restricted freedom. So how should Asgardia be? Democracy, Technocracy, Meritocracy? Presidentialism, Parliamentary? Captalism, Socialism, Naturalism? Many options.