Apr 2, 17 / Tau 08, 01 13:05 UTC

The Asgardian CJS on Necrophilia  

I propose to you all that Necrophilia and necrophiliac activities be legal in Asgardia [but be heavily regulaed]

What would the stance be on Necrophilia?

defined as "is a sexual attraction or sexual act involving corpses"

The act of necrophilia - if given consent beforehand by the last will and testimony of the dead person - is about are primarily harmful as sex with a living person. Furthermore, a dead body cannot feel any physical or psychological pain, so it is actually LESS harmful (at least in the primary state of harm) than intercourse with a living human or animal.  

Whilst the immorality occurs when permission is not given - due to humanities stupidity in the concept of secondary harm - in that, being the psychological harm to those who were related to, or knew the dead person - it is illogical. The dead person is not a person anymore, with a non-functioning brain, unworking nerves, and no blood flowing. A meat puppet. An INANIMATE toy. 

Having intercourse with a body in private would be as harmless as having intercourse with a tree - for example - in the privacy of one's own back garden.

It is with my hope that I get a suitable answer,


Comrade Luke

Apr 3, 17 / Tau 09, 01 09:26 UTC

@John A. Covert I haven't a clue what you are talking about.

I - as a leftist - wish to ensure that Asgardia (in its attempt to provide equality for its members) lives up to such a promise.  

I don't know how your comment is relevant to the question, also.

Apr 3, 17 / Tau 09, 01 11:37 UTC

I fail to see why it should be necessary. What function should it serve?

As far as I can tell, the 'point' to necrophilia is to use a once-living body as a sex toy. While there may be persons who are willing to allow such things to be done to their body, the health issues of keeping a dead corpse around far outweigh the benefits to any individual to keeping the corpse around. There are reasons why dead bodies are kept cold and prepared for burial quickly: because they rot and become a breeding place for many diseases. Given that the air of Asgardia in orbit will be recycled, the air cleaners will have to work even harder to remove the diseases and odors permeating from a decaying and, likely, diseased corpse. Combine that with the diseases carried over onto the actual perpetrators of the sexual acts and the costs associated with treating those diseases would make it insupportable.

So, from a scientific and public health perspective, necrophilia is more trouble than it is worth. I see no need to protect it in law.


Apr 3, 17 / Tau 09, 01 11:41 UTC

@Phicksur Then what would you have done if someone was caught doing such an act?

Furthermore, just simply have anyone who commits such acts denial to treatment.

Apr 3, 17 / Tau 09, 01 13:21 UTC

> @Phicksur Then what would you have done if someone was caught doing such an act?

> Furthermore, just simply have anyone who commits such acts denial to treatment.

Well... first they'd have to have gotten a body. Either they killed someone (should a crime), stole a body (also should a crime), or happened to have came across someone who died peacefully (not a crime). In the event that the third event occurs, it should be made law that any person who finds a dead body report it immediately and not to molest it (which doesn't just mean sexually molest). It could be checked for vitals, moved if in an inappropriate location, or similar handling without being considered molestation.

This way, no matter what, a crime will occur in the event of necrophilia, thus covering all bases.


Apr 3, 17 / Tau 09, 01 15:42 UTC

> This way, no matter what, a crime will occur in the event of necrophilia, thus covering all bases.

Well then, Let any Judge sentence me how they see fit.

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 01:34 UTC

I agree with those against the idea, it is unsanitary in many ways and in my opinion disturbing. However, I fully support people into that fetish, if it can be called that. Having access to related materials as long as no actual human remains are used to make it

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 01:48 UTC

Okeyyy...  I really wanted to say something constructive, but being that I had never actually met anyone with such fetish, I am really stumped.

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 08:37 UTC

I wish to thank those who have answered this thread, and whilst I understand the idea of it being unsanitary, I don't care. I am, however, glad that none of you have said anything against those who do have the desires, and cannot thank you enough for such an act of kindness.

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 09:30 UTC

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  Updated  on Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 15:53 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: "This user no longer wishes to be associated with a tin pot banana republic"

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 09:34 UTC

@Clive I can't tell if you are joking or being serious.

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 11:35 UTC

Pretty sure that one was a joke.


Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 11:37 UTC

I think I have a similar sense of humour to Clive - definately a joke :P

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 11:39 UTC

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  Updated  on Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 15:53 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: "This user no longer wishes to be associated with a tin pot banana republic"

Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 12:02 UTC

@Clive - you should try my life - how my sexual desires are criminalised! Must be how homosexuals felt in the 1950's