Here is an original idea.  You’re welcome to run with this thought and build upon it to see where it leads.  Anyone who wants to make this a reality, please speak up and add your contribution.

The innovation at hand is a virtual economy accessible only through an augmented reality app.  This virtual economy will use "Lifecoins" which will be the primary economic use of the SOLAR cryptocurrency in Asgardia.  It is an economy designed from the ground up to reward people for doing good things for themselves and one another.  Getting rich on Lifecoins means that one has lived a fuller life in the process and has helped others to do so.  This accords a kind of social status/respect to those who have amassed the most Lifecoins. 

Inspiration for Lifecoins

  1. Pokemon Go (an augmented reality (AR) game) where people collect Pokemon for no other reason than to say they have the rarest and most Pokemon.  
  2. Bitcoin, an alternative currency.  Regular money suffers from there being no mechanism to ensure money stays in circulation, especially during hard times when everyone hoards their money and spends nothing.  Several mechanisms exist to make sure Lifecoins continue to circulate.

How to get Lifecoins

  1. Lifecoins exist only in a virtual world overlaid on the real one – accessible through augmented reality (AR) through a cell phone (or soon, AR glasses).  You will have to be at an actual physical location where the Lifecoin is overlaid in order to reach out and grab the Lifecoin and thus add it to your account.  Once it has been claimed, the Lifecoin disappears from the virtual world and remains in your account until it is given.  However, new Lifecoins are added all the time on a regular basis.
  2. Lifecoin assignment: find the healthiest, most meaningful, special places and mark those as Lifecoin hotspots.  Place the rarest, high-value Lifecoins in the most special areas that should get the most visitors.
  3. Enable photographing Lifecoins at places and allowing people to share those on social media.  Where rare Lifecoins have been observed in the wild, they will most likely reappear again at a later date.

Where to get Lifecoins

  1. The rarest, highest-value Lifecoins will be found in places people rarely go but should so they can learn valuable experiences – homeless shelters, animal shelters, charities, memorials, monuments, etc.
  2. More coins available at healthy restaurants than unhealthy ones.
  3. Coins available on nature trails and where there are beautiful scenic overlooks (denoted by the presence of more Google photos for a site)
  4. More coins available in places of lower population density than others (to encourage people getting away from cities and into limited access natural areas)

What to do with Lifecoins

  1. Lifecoins are stamped by colors/logos of socially responsible or healthy businesses, community centers, schools, churches, etc.  
  2. Every time you hit Like on Facebook, that gives a Lifecoin to that person.  You can also tweet Lifecoins (using the #lifecoin hashtag?)
  3. Instead of buying cards for a person, give the gift of Lifecoins.
  4. Display a map of where the highest Lifecoin densities are.
  5. Lifecoins diminish in value the longer they’ve been sitting in one account; they need to be given in order to get the full amount back.  For every 2 that you give to friends/family/total strangers, you get one back.  
  6. Lifecoin hunting licenses – there is a maximum daily quota of the number of Lifecoins you can accumulate (100?) but they can have any value.  
  7. Lifecoin leaderboard – see who has the most Lifecoins at any point in time in every geographic area. These will be among the most virtuous and giving people around.