Sep 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 07:40 UTC
I know nothing about diamond , but in my views we would have problems in practical usage if we should use diamond as currency. Diamonds come from nature with out standardization . The monetary authority would have problem to determine the intrinsic value of each piece of diamond in money term. Further the Psychological and emotional values are probably attached on those piece of diamonds. and this would resort to debate and argument .History showes that we had money directly linked to Gold ,or Gold Convertible Currency ,Gold Standard system, we had coin made from gold, or what ever the name is. I am not expert. Those systems have already dropped due to some practical reasons
Last edited by:
Prajogi Iskandar
on Sep 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 07:43 UTC,
Total number of edits: 2 times