Feb 20, 17 / Pis 23, 01 09:09 UTC
Re: Eliminate the monetary system and here's why. ¶
Hello Eyer, Of course it is, it would be absurd for an independent nation to have to use the currency of another nation/s for trading purposes. You do not see any nation that does that so why should Asgardia? What are you trying to make Asgardia into a joke? No nation would ever take Asgardia seriously if it had to rely on the currency from another nation. So, whether you want to admit it or not Asgardia needs a monetary system. It having one is another sign of the serious intent of Asgardia to be the nation it intends to be. Actually, you are wrong the principle of having something of value to exchange for something that you value applies to national trade as well and if I do not have the skills to make or something someone else wants in trade for something I want from them. Then I can not obtain the item I want, but if I had an equivalent amount of money then trading for the things I want and need becomes that much simpler. Actually you are wrong again, I do not see a viable trading system that does not rely on currency because there is none, well not one everyone can participate in anyway and because of a nasty little emotion called greed! Money has become too integrated into daily life for us to magically rid ourselves of it. My understanding of human behavior is better than you think and I have more faith in my plan to get Asgardia to where the founder intends it to be faster than yours ever could! As well as to keep it safer than your suggestions ever could.
Any division among haves and have nots already exists, so, sending two hundred people to live in our budding nation will do no harm! How would acauiring land of our own on which to establish our nation or having a monetary system deeply infect Asgardia with greed? For that matter, what makes you think that having a monetary system would make people greedy?
Greed is already present in all of us, the only difference is how we all address said issue. Some people allow it to control them and would do so whether money existed or not. Others control it and would also do so if money existed or not, besides that. If we properly educate people regarding the importance of money and not allow our citizens to be duped into believing that. Having tons of money equals a better life then we can avoid the pitfalls of greed! You have no clue as to my thought process so stop pretending as if you do. So you can avoid being embarrassed and I can avoid embarrassing you. If you truly believe that having an incentive to look forward to does not inspire people to do their job and do it well then I have a little experiment for you to try.
For a period of say three months order out two to three times a week from two different places, tip one driver but not the other, and then compare the quality of work put forth by the two delivery drivers. Actually I will save you the time and just tell you. The driver receiving the tip will be more likely to be on time and your food will be less likely to be messed with in anyway. While the other driver will be more likely to be late and possibly tamper with your food and why? Because he has no incentive to be professional in his/her duties. Delivery drivers do not make all that much and rely on tips. So, no tip equals no incentive, while a tip does equal incentive. Your ideas are not realistic in the least, in fact they are reckless if anything. You underestimate the numerous possible threats out there and overestimate your own abilities