Dec 20, 16 / Cap 19, 00 20:41 UTC

Organização do sistema finaceiro.  

Qual será o nome da nossa moeda? Como será organizado nosso sistema financeiro? há a possibilidade de termos moeda digital (como exemplo: O Bitcoin)?

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 11:50 UTC

A financial system that relies on a distributed cryptoledger (such as the Bitcoin relies on the Blockchain) is greatly secure & stable as long as everybody acts like a part of the network, and there are no more than 50% of 'bad actors' - people that want to disrupt the network. Given the rise of the Asgardian community, I believe we are enough to ensure proper running of such network, using no-more than the already defined cryptocurrency protocol. We could create a coin of our own (let me 'coin' AsgardCoin ffr), or use BitCoin, with its pros and cons. What I believe we shouldn't do is mint money. Using traditional monetary means has proved to be counterproductive, and central points of control (like banks) are used for no more than policy-enforcing, further dividing the community on many levels. Closing, i think it'd be a good idea to use coins like BitCoin and, when we are strong and independent enough, we can initiate a cryptocurrency of our own, on the same open-source, distributed, secure basis.