I find the title of this thread concerning - what made you think educational oppertunities would be denied due to your place of residence?
Quite obviously, what the ministry of youth and education will do about this is to eventually ratify what would actually comprise of an educaitonal standard in various fields as well make available educational services in order to further our own citizens. It will naturally take some time to resolve a lot of variables, but I'd expect that by this time next year if there isn't an Asgardian University, it'll be well on the way to happening.
In the interim of having actual educational services, various "workshops" can be setup - People with knowledge and experience can impart it to those willing to listen. Similar to TED talk or something, maybe. A wiki might be useful for this for now, and other things later. I'll pop off a feature request for that shortly.
Copyrights might be an issue with other peoples works, but people with applicable expertise can create educational materials on topics.
People speaking more than one language can assist others with learning their native language etc.
For some subjects, an Ebook might not be the most productive method - but similar things worked well for quite some time. I don't think there should exist specific focus on one particular medium in order to achieve the end goal, but for now at least we should be archiving if not the data itself, but where to find, as much as imparting what we already know.
A battery of tests to determine where to ideally visit next in your educational journey isn't a poor idea, it'd certianly help achieve minimal standards of education as much as ensure each course taken is actually a progression.