Dec 27, 16 / Cap 26, 00 15:08 UTC
Life and Understanding Classes ¶
I think we should have classes on human life history in general from different point of views to teach the next generation to be more humble an sempithetic to others so they can put more thought to perspective. Teaching them the ways of war from both sides, teaching them animals perspective in the wild(most likely this will cut down bullying) because they will have more of a understanding to other life forms not just humans it will teach them to have mercy hopefully meaning less murders of people and animals, also teach them to be themselves kids will grow up all their life trying to figure out what they are or who they are we have to teach them they have to be themselves, teach them everybody is different and may view others different, teach them that the only goal in life is being yourself an not try to imitate another and be happy as yourself(in result hopeing to cut down depression, anxiety, and promote self motivation and self will power. Also making many insults obsolete because many will be less judgeful and hateful because they understand one another.