Jan 17, 17 / Aqu 17, 01 23:28 UTC

Should programming and algorithm analysis be taught as a part of basic education?  

Many of us Asgardians can code in one or more programming languages, but an endemic problem in the world of programming is a lack of knowing how to program- that is, the discipline of generating, analyzing, and then implementing the algorithms behind the program before even touching code. So my question is, should we teach as a part of the standard curriculum the creation and analysis of algorithms as a discipline?

Please discuss, as I can't figure out how to add the poll options.

  Last edited by:  Joshua Holzhauser (Asgardian)  on Jan 17, 17 / Aqu 17, 01 23:57 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times
Reason: Cannot add poll

Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 17:28 UTC

As a coding and technology educator, I believe that programming should be a part of K12 curricula. Many people believe that not everyone is interested or want to study anything related to that topic, buy I think that the question is very similar to "Why do I have to learn math if I'm never going to use it in real life?". Programming is very useful to develop skills such as: - Problem analysis and solving. - Coming up with different solutions. - Language structure. - Critical thinking. - Attention to detail. These are skills that are used in most human activities and I really think kids would be better learners and all around people if they had training in those kinds of skills.

Jan 22, 17 / Aqu 22, 01 12:28 UTC

Absolutely! I also believe it would be of benefit to have practical application geared towards activities that children enjoy. Music and art come to mind. As a musician, I see a musical score as bearing a striking resemblance to a computer program. A set of instructions are sent to an interpreter in both cases. Musical notes have attributes. I think that young children will enjoy programming if it is taught in a certain way.

  Last edited by:  Nicholas Wilkinson (Asgardian)  on Jan 22, 17 / Aqu 22, 01 13:01 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Feb 19, 17 / Pis 22, 01 21:32 UTC

No, not in the primary educational facities anyway, those types of classes shoud be offered in facilities that specialize in coding and programming. It would work so much better in that type of setting

Feb 20, 17 / Pis 23, 01 06:54 UTC

To directly answer the question, yes, to those who would seek it in great depth, to everyone else a loose overview. It's likely these things will feature heavily in their lives, even if they don't actively notice them. It's sure to be relevant. If nothing else from a problem sovling angle.

I wish I knew programming and algorithm or had the opportunity to take a course when I was in school.

You have an oppertunity now? You don't need "school" you have the interwebs? There's more knowlege on there than you would care to imagine, it's not all pr0n and dogs in hats. This is a well documented subject, with many modern languages specifically aimed at being easy to learn. I would suggest Python or Java as some introductory forray, or if you're feeling "brave" take a stab at C/C++ that seems to scare most new, but really isn't that much of a chore. Between official documentation, various how-to type documents, freely downloadable books on the subject, open source examples and various forums you can render yourself semi-competent in not much time at all. The rest is just practise and more detailed education of various specific principles. You should be able to pull this off costless as tools and techniques are all freely available to the seekers, unless you'd also aim for hardware developments then some basic things like a breadboard, jumper cables, various components etc will possibly procude a cost.

If one would "learn well by doing" I would suggest getting a raspberry Pi - as this was specifically aimed at teaching hardware development for children. Even children can does it, it's that simple. It was attempted to be cheap enough to put one in every classroom, the Pi Zero can be as little as £4. A breadboard freindly Arduino nano clone can be about $2 tho. You can ofc program with whatever you use to access these forums, most commonly what you would require is a text editor(and possibly a compiler with some languages) What is "special" about the pi however is the GPIO - General Purpose Input Output - basically a row of pins like an old IDE connection on HD's that make it really simple to attach things to, and thusly control via a computer. Anything, pretty much. Can learn yourself some electrical engineering at the same time. After you've nailed yourself some "hello world", got a grip on variables, know your way into/out of loops etc Set yourself a simple and stupid problem to solve - like making an RGB LED operate as a "traffic light". Or a few, simulate an entire intersection. Then make the model a little more complex, and add in a button to get all the lights red so people can cross - then mulitple buttons so only relevant lights require be red. Truely not groundbreaking stuff but the lessons you learn in such simple things will teach you much for when it comes to actually solve a real problem the output you would have use for.

As for being a skill of the future, maybe not. "AI" is progressing, wonderfully, "AI" designing hardware was quite interesting, and after a few generations of refining it's designs after watching them perform, it was showing definite improvements, similar can be expected from the field of programming and agorythms themselves, they will be tuned by AI and then created by AI. Doesn't mean it's not something worth knowing, or useless to be knowing. Knowing how the planets revolve around Sol doesn't change anything much within itself - but it's good to know, and knowing this allows for other things.

  Updated  on Feb 20, 17 / Pis 23, 01 06:56 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: typo

Feb 21, 17 / Pis 24, 01 11:24 UTC

There's a lot of call for kids to be learning programming, the stated goals are usually it teaches logic or problem solving or provides other indirect boons. In my opinion, if you want to impart these kinds of things, there are more formal subjects teachers could provide that would give a much better return on investment.

Programming is highly esoteric, and unless you're actually intending on taking it as a career, it's unlikely to be used in any normal case. Better to teach something practical that also imparts the logical-thinking side effects.

May 3, 17 / Gem 11, 01 14:50 UTC


As a languages teacher, I think those subjects are as important as music, languages or sciences because as well as other subjects, we live in the XXIst century and children should live in their time

May 8, 17 / Gem 16, 01 03:04 UTC

Aside from the fact that programming is such an important skill in the modern and future world, it does teach a lot of skills that are inherently needed.

As a by product, students would learn many concepts that can be reapplied in many fields.  Anyone with experience in programming could understand the positive effect of writing code on the mind.  Aside from the skills outline by @Mortaned, it also teaches logic, route cause analysis, and process flow.

On top of this, it is also a medium for creativity - which is an incredibly important for the future of Asgardia.  There are many people who consider Asgardia a pipe dream, but so were flying metal boxes at one point in history.  Creativity must be nurtured if we want to move forward into the future with solutions that the average person thought impossible.

Jun 6, 17 / Can 17, 01 03:59 UTC

I think this would be a great idea

Jun 11, 17 / Can 22, 01 04:26 UTC

As a programmer myself, I would love to see this happen! It would teach many skills that are really usefull in life. Like having the ability to critically analyze information to understand the working of anything. And solve problems if/when they happen.

  Last edited by:  Bryan Cheung (Asgardian)  on Jun 11, 17 / Can 22, 01 04:27 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Sep 21, 17 / Sco 12, 01 02:38 UTC

we are in the process of creating a website `Present  Academy` and  P.A as app which will bring all free Educational courses  and  qualifications to all, We are in the process of the   software/website/app being recognized by the Department of work &   pensions & Education department of the United Kingdom and has   already been checked passed by Chelsea F.C Foundation after passing two   entrepreneur courses also personally winning best digital  collaboration  in their competition.

        Presently we are setting up banking as nonprofit charity and going threw the registration 

We are looking for trustees for the board ; Head of programming & coding 

                                                               Head of law / internet law, nonprofit law & Charity law  

                                                                Head   communications with UK Department of Education &   work pensions 

                                                               Head of Marketing & social media

                                                               Head of charity

Plus   as many volunteers as possible for all departments mentioned to allow   the software to be in everyone's hands as soon as possible

                                       Hopefully giving Asgardians all the educational tools we will ever need 

                                           You can contact us here or at       presentacademy@hotmail.com

Oct 3, 19 / Sco 24, 03 20:51 UTC

I think so. Why not? An interesting topic for thought. 

  Last edited by:  Jia Moodle (Asgardian)  on Oct 3, 19 / Sco 24, 03 20:55 UTC, Total number of edits: 5 times