Aug 2, 17 / Vir 18, 01 19:30 UTC

What will be the requirements regarding the ambassador?  

As I am interested to become an ambassador for Asgardia, this question is really intriguing me.

Will the choice be done like it is for the trendsetters or does we will need to be a trendsetter to apply for the post of the ambassador?

I do believe as the choice for the future ambassadors will need to take into consideration certain aspects, may be even more important to the ability to be elected in order to fulfill the position of ambassador.

As examples; The ability to live in a foreign country. If we have the intention to create real Embassies for Asgardia with all the recognitions including sovereignty and diplomatic immunity it will be imperative for the ambassador to not be citizen of the country where he or she will be in functions in order to receive the diplomatic immunity necessary to comply is duty especially if the view or position of Asgardia is in conflict of direct interest with the hosting country. This will also facilitate the evacuation if it's needed to be done.

The Intelectual and Emotional Quotients and communication abilities are also mandataries to be high, in view of effective negotiations and maintenance of diplomatic relations. 

A degree in political science may not be mandatory but obviously helpful.

If some one knows what will be or have any idea for the requirements needed to be an Asgardian ambassador please to reply. 

  Last edited by:  sylvain bradford (Asgardian, Candidate)  on Aug 2, 17 / Vir 18, 01 20:19 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Terminology

Aug 3, 17 / Vir 19, 01 04:50 UTC

From all I know, the Ambassador position level is not available yet for application. When the opportunity is open, the information on how to apply will be posted. Please let us know if you have further questions.

Hope this helps!

Feb 28, 19 / Ari 03, 03 05:44 UTC


  Last edited by:  Maha deva  on Feb 28, 19 / Ari 03, 03 05:48 UTC, Total number of edits: 4 times
Reason: some mistake taken right