Jan 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 14:36 UTC
How should emergency services be accessed? ¶
My question is not one of which emergency services Asgardia should have but how they should be accessed.
Should Asgardia use an internationally used system to access emergency services like dialing 112 or 911 or should Asgardia use an alternative system?
Jan 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 14:36 UTC
My question is not one of which emergency services Asgardia should have but how they should be accessed.
Jan 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 23:46 UTC
It'd be more beneficial to run a system that's in line with pretty much the rest of the world.
Especially since most of us are use to those types of systems and it's been impregnated in our minds on what we need to do in order to contact someone to get help.
Jan 11, 17 / Aqu 11, 01 15:50 UTC
Unless something comes up which specifically lends itself to the "space station" type of environment, I see nothing wrong with using a "traditional" method of accessing emergency services.
For example if there is a very specific rapid way to address a fire - which may include automatic fire "response", then that system may be more appropriate.
Jan 17, 17 / Aqu 17, 01 06:43 UTC
Dear asgardians,sir, At any emergency we must try to concentrate our mind through meditation and should try to connect with almighty power of universe That natural services will help us .we should try for our available sources at emergency .with full confidence .we should apply natural first aid at any emergency.using available means. thanks
Jan 17, 17 / Aqu 17, 01 06:57 UTC
OK, so picture this scenario.
There is a fire on a space habitat, which is every astronaut's worst nightmare. Better still, this fire is messing with the electronics that could at any second cause an airlock to open causing an explosive decompression and the death of everyone onboard.
What do I do??? I meditate for a while to connect with the universe for help. NOT.
As for the question posed - If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The way in which emergency services are contacted may continue to change over time as they have in the past (eg. yelling/screaming to bells to telephones to remote alarms), but the emergency response systems themselves have evolved over time with the benefit of accumulated knowledge of what works and what doesn't.
Jan 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 08:09 UTC
Dear asgardians , All we live in earth countries .during emergency ,we should take help of the government and it's available means like mobile phones.fire brigade, medical emergency aids etc.In the absence of any means we should have patience must try to get natural first aid through available means.Being a space nation emergency help may not be possible like earth countries.thanks.
Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 06:22 UTC
Dear asgardians, I want to tell you that any asgardian is seriously ill .I suggest him for natural first aid like artificial breathing and giving him water or rubbing his feet etc.It is called natural first aid without the help of any docter.Thanks.
Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 09:09 UTC
Ann Griffith is right.
We are a Space Nation.
Humanity only got to Space because of Science. Let's not throw that away now.