Apr 11, 17 / Tau 17, 01 16:12 UTC
Architecture ¶
What is the architectural plan of the cities of Asgardia?
Apr 11, 17 / Tau 17, 01 16:12 UTC
What is the architectural plan of the cities of Asgardia?
Apr 19, 17 / Tau 25, 01 18:57 UTC
That's a good question, I feel a smooth flooring and well placed walls would be good but it all can't be that, hmm what else is there to see?
Apr 19, 17 / Tau 25, 01 19:10 UTC
Honestly I'm not going to sit here and act as if I do know everything about architecture, I just have some good ideas maybe and this is needing some thought
Apr 19, 17 / Tau 25, 01 21:18 UTC
Guys, have you heard about that machine that can 3-D print buildings with concrete in a day. I heard someone proposed it to use in the building of settlements on the moon. Neat idea.
Check the article: https://www.engadget.com/2017/03/07/apis-cor-3d-printed-house/
Apr 19, 17 / Tau 25, 01 23:56 UTC
I have been doing some research on space architecture actually and have been considering continuing my studies in it. I'm personally very interested in how to create structures which simulate and integrate self organising biological systems. This would allow the structure to form an organic relationship between the building and the terrain below. I'm wondering how that might create a more psychologically liveable environment. You can learn a bit more about space architecture here www.spacearchitect.org
Apr 20, 17 / Tau 26, 01 02:29 UTC
Self-organizing biological systems... Um. It sounds like a great job for mycorrhiza to tackle.
I just wanted to add that you link to space architecture is not working for me.
The models are quite beautiful. And I think building on the moon would be faster since there is less friction.
Apr 20, 17 / Tau 26, 01 02:41 UTC
@Yovy hmm, let's see if I try this http://www.spacearchitect.org
seems that works for me hopefully for you also, I look forward to your thoughts :)
Apr 20, 17 / Tau 26, 01 03:05 UTC
Oh my sweet bejezuzzzz, I think you just handed me one of my favourite websites.
I wish I could embed pictures in this post, but this is my favorite project:
I'll earmark them because I will probably write a few articles about their work. They have amazing stuff in that site. Are you affiliated with them?
Apr 20, 17 / Tau 26, 01 03:20 UTC
@Yovy It's a great site, lots of interesting information and I have learned a lot from the resources there! I have no affiliation with them just discovered the website while researching for my work. Hoping I'll have the chance to read your articles on the subject :)
Apr 20, 17 / Tau 26, 01 11:39 UTC
... and that site has nothing like what I've been designing. :(
The problem with designing something no one else has done before is you don't have a lot to work from. :/
Apr 20, 17 / Tau 26, 01 17:31 UTC
Either the problem or the blessing, Phicksur. Working in a field where no many people have worked before also means that you will have far fewer constraints than those working in more established systems. That often means that you get to make the rules of engagement (or discover them -- whatever you prefer).
Apr 21, 17 / Tau 27, 01 02:58 UTC
^It looks to ba an annual thing. I'll keep it in mind for the future.
I think Phicksur would have gotten a kick out of it since he is already designing models. I would have to start learning how to 3D print and how to do the digital rendering for the designs to be printed. I would have love to see the presentation, though.
Also, did you see the picture of the winners, petrv? Why did they win? There are more exciting models among the people who didn't win: Losers