Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 04:50 UTC

Re: Catalysis: project for future  

Imposed an additional constraint in the project life time of the protoplanetary disk before the formation of the planets. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2017-02/miot-ses020717.php Given the speed of flight of the probe of the order of 10^-5 of the speed of light, we reach the stars within a radius of up to about 1000 light years. I think in the next few decades, the star will be cataloged, it will be possible to choose a relatively stable and long-lived.

Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 04:58 UTC

A small correction about the altruistic nature of the project. From the standpoint of potential investors or sponsors of the project, of course, mainly altruistic, because for the life of the next generations does not imply any return on investment, in addition to advertising and technology transfer. But in the long run of civilization the situation is changing. See: http://lnfm1.sai.msu.ru/SETI/koi/articles/Shkadov.pdf , https://naked-science.ru/article/column/k-voprosu-vozmozhnoy-modifikacii . On one of the remote stages of development it becomes important to number available in the near space (in the galaxy) independent civilizations as independent sources of information, mainly of a humanitarian nature. And it will directly impact the results of the Catalysis project.

Feb 12, 17 / Pis 15, 01 10:14 UTC

I believe that it is possible to accelerate work on the creation of our sails due to the expansion of the scope of the mirror thin-film structures. In the early 1990s in Russia, was conducted experiment "Znamya-2" for lighting the surface of the Earth using solar sails. The experiment was successful, although further work was stopped for technical and financial reasons. It is now fashionable theme is the creation of long-term manned base on Mars. Such a mirror, only much larger scale, can be deployed on a quasi-stationary orbit – i.e., in contrast to geostationary satellites, in rather wide orbits, using light pressure, so as to continuously keep focus on the base. This will ensure round-the-clock lighting, increase of energy production with solar panels, and, consequently, reduced requirements for materials of construction cold resistance (especially if the top of the dark elements of the design covered with a transparent film and you can use the greenhouse effect). The cost of the mirror itself is relatively small. It can be delivered to Mars as the traditional way, with the rocket upper stage, and "self-move" - due to the effect of the solar sail. I will try more formally to describe the idea. Now the Martian theme takes quite a large company. It is, first and foremost, SpaceX by Elon Musk and a number of other structures – the Mars Society by Robert Zubrin; MarsOne and others. If they engaged in a cheap serial production of films for such mirrors with high resource, some problems of the Catalysis project can be solved.

  Last edited by:  Dmitry Novoseltsev (Asgardian)  on Feb 12, 17 / Pis 15, 01 14:25 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Feb 23, 17 / Pis 26, 01 16:20 UTC

Here is a brief presentation on Catalysis at the elementary level:


Feb 26, 17 / Ari 01, 01 04:34 UTC

The scope of the project Catalysis can be extended. If you become known to many young planetary systems have already formed earth-like planets, as TRAPPIST-1, they can immediately send the "Keepers". The inhibition of "Keepers" in this case is more traditional - using solar sails, plus a gravity assist from a star. Perhaps this can be now a greater interest in the Wake of the excitement surrounding the opening TRAPPIST-1, and development can be initiated with "Keepers".

Mar 3, 17 / Ari 06, 01 12:16 UTC

It is necessary to consider this effect.


The "Sowers" should be placed in areas of the "dust traps" to their synthesized base of DNA was deposited on dust particles, and further the surface of the particles, too, were autocatalytic synthesis.

  Last edited by:  Dmitry Novoseltsev (Asgardian)  on Mar 3, 17 / Ari 06, 01 12:16 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 16, 17 / Ari 19, 01 02:35 UTC

It is closer to the subject: http://www.jsforum.or.jp/ISSS2017/papers/slide/17087SlideDr.%20Osamu%20Mori.pdf, http://www.centauri-dreams.org/?p=37322. Can be considered as one of the prototypes. Good luck to JAXA!

  Last edited by:  Dmitry Novoseltsev (Asgardian)  on Mar 16, 17 / Ari 19, 01 04:35 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 10:02 UTC

It is likely that the material can be accommodated in the sails "Keeper" of the set personal records complete decoding of the human genome (with epigenetic markers), as well as accurate models of the connectome of brain and any materials related to the acquisition of personal information (memoirs). Similar records even after several billion years the hypothetical allow CC to create adequate models of human persons data that seems to be the closest real analogue described in a number of mythological systems "immortality of the soul." This ability to literally "leave your mark in the universe" can serve as an additional motivation for potential project participants.

It might be useful in the framework of this project on one of the stages to organize the sub-project "Crew". Supporters of the project will allow the program crowdfunding to become a "virtual crew members" of interstellar probes "Keepers." Depending on the personal contribution will be possible decryption, archiving and recording in the material sails of "Keeper"  information on the genome and, possibly, in the near future, connectome participants and members of their families or others important to them people. On the basis of their private data subsequently within a few billion years, other civilizations can, in principle, to simulate their personality and human society as a whole.

Interestingly, the number of possible copies in the General case is unlimited. (Film "Little Buddha" with a young Keanu Reeves in the title role, the final of a dying Lama creates multiple copies of his soul, incarnating in different children. There is a principal possibility to realize it in reality).

I think that would be a pretty strong motivation to support the project.

Commercial full genome, as far as I know, began to engage J. Craig Venter (http://www.jcvi.org), and now these operations perform several laboratories, including in Russia (for example, https://www.genotek.ru/sekvenirovanie-vsego-genoma). The price is still very high, but it is possible to retain samples of DNA and further sequencing in the future when the cost will be reduced significantly (for example, http://kriorus.ru/other-services#5 ).

Transcript connectome of brain question much more difficult, but certainly solvable. In Russia, in particular, the decision problems involved in the movement "Russia 2045" (http://www.2045.ru/ ), the purpose of which claimed the unrestricted life expectancy, including through the transfer model of personality to non-biological media. In the world, apparently, in General this problem in varying degree do organizations with transhumanist orientation.

Overall this is a real prospect of some part of yourself to make the epic journey in time and space to hundreds of light years to several stars and billions of years into the future (with a guarantee of contact with another civilization!). This can become quite a serious motivation to support the project.

Previously this option was mentioned by Gregory Matloff (The Deep Space Probes, 2005, 12.3, p.169), citing Tipler.

I think this should somehow be noted separately in the further discussion of "Catalysis". At least to estimate the amount of data per person.

  Last edited by:  Dmitry Novoseltsev (Asgardian)  on Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 10:05 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 16:02 UTC

New article about Catalysis (p.30-35):


Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 02:49 UTC

Initiative 13 Jun 2017 for data collection for storing on the satellite "Asgardia-1" very interesting, as the initial value for the creation of "Keepers" and the Fleet of memory, about which I wrote earlier (https://i4is.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Principium17%201705170945.opt.pdf ).

Probably, the organizers of Asgardia will extract a lot of interesting sociological data about the participants – what they consider valuable.

I wish the organizers also made contact with the SETI Institute (http://www.seti.org/ ).

Sometime in the 1990s, when one of the interplanetary probes during interorbital manoeuvres approached the Earth from Jupiter, Carl Sagan initiated the project "Mission to planet Earth" - the study of the Earth from the position of flying up to it external observers. There were a lot of interesting.

Now on the basis of the records for the "Asgardia-1" it would be possible to conduct a similar project that could figure out the hypothetical outside observers of this dataset? In a sense this is similar to the set of messages with information carrier "Voyager", but more representative. This would be useful later in preparing voluminous records for "Keepers."

Jun 25, 17 / Leo 08, 01 02:11 UTC

Asking all stakeholders in the project to support this appeal.
I hope it will be adopted as an official project of the Ministry of science in the near future.


In  accordance with the letter and spirit of the current Constitution of  Asgardia, propose as scientific-technical and cultural project of  Asgardia the near term and unlimited-term project "Catalysis". 

The  aim of the project is to ensure the indestructibility of biological  life, including reasonable, and human culture, and their unrestricted  distribution in space and time. 

Detailed information about the project is presented in the journal "Principium" (first published in issue 17, 2017, pp. 30-35, http://i4is.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Principium17%201705170945.opt.pdf ).

The  project consists of two stages implemented using available and  realistic technical means – first of all, slow automatic probes with  solar sails. 

The  first phase of the project is a Fleet of Life - involves the delivery  to protoplanetary disks of stable star some sets of biocatalysts for  guaranteed origin and development of life on most emerging later planets  and moons.

The  second phase of the project is a Fleet of Memory – involves the  delivery to the outskirts of the emerging planetary systems of those  stars massively redundant data sets of "digital noosphere", including  biological (genetic and neurobiological), cultural and  socio-psychological information about individuals for promising  simulation (which is the most realistic analogue of the "immortality of  the soul").

The  result of the successful implementation of the project should be an  explosive autocatalytic spread of intelligent life in the nearest part  of the Galaxy on the principle of a chain reaction that allows the  realization of even more ambitious projects.

When  the entire scope of the project in the short term, is a set research,  engineering and cultural challenges, the solutions to most of which  allow commercial or other pragmatic application.

So,  create a database on the satellite Asgardia-1 can be considered as the  initial approximation of the creation of the Fleet of Memory.

Advisable is to organize a project similar to the project "Starshot" by Breakthrough Initiatives.

In  this regard, it is proposed to adopt the "Catalysis" as a long-term  project of Asgardia, and all interested citizens to take active part in  solving local problems of interest to them.

  Last edited by:  Dmitry Novoseltsev (Asgardian)  on Jun 26, 17 / Leo 09, 01 10:42 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 04:21 UTC


If there are colleagues referred to in article associations please note - this information (the complete genome of all 1 700 000 eukaryotes) it will be necessary to make a database of the Fleet of Memory.

Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 03:06 UTC

I would like to make a "Catalysis" (cultural part) and UNESCO project.


Does anyone have any ideas on how to implement it?

Jul 7, 17 / Leo 20, 01 04:38 UTC

New data on the selection of targets for "Catalysis" in "metallicness" of stars.
 Interestingly, in the future, in the Galaxy due to supernova activity average "metallicity" will increase, and hence the second ("anthropogenic") generation of civilizations after a few billion years any possible targets for the same project will be much more and they will be placed  closer.

Jul 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 07:03 UTC

Old enough analysis of the possibility of using monometallic thin materials for solar sails. http://www.niac.usra.edu/files/library/meetings/fellows/nov99/333Christensen.pdf. Starting with the distance from the Sun about 1 AU (Earth orbit) the temperature is acceptable for aluminium alloys and biocatalysts.