Aug 3, 17 / Vir 19, 01 08:25 UTC

Chinese interstellar research?  

If someone of the organization or researchers in China, dealing with the problems of interstellar travel?

The most well-known organizations and projects, such as Breakthrough Starshot, Icarus interstellar, Tau Zero Foundation and others, usually Western. But "Catalysis" project  (description is here on the forum, more, pp. 30-35), suggests, in addition to solving many technical problems, the organization of mass production of complex technical products. And this is today, first and foremost, the prerogative of the Chinese industry.

I would be grateful for any contact details.

  Last edited by:  Dmitry Novoseltsev (Asgardian)  on Aug 3, 17 / Vir 19, 01 08:26 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Apr 4, 18 / Tau 10, 02 00:41 UTC

There is the aerospace engineering institute, maybe in Beijing, there is also an areospace university there too from what I could find on google search engine.

There is a high energy physics laboratory or institute there, I got that information from reading 'China's Super Psychics'. There are at least 10 research places there.

Look up universities, or try Russia's organizations too if they don't show up, like roscosmos.

Hope this helps :)

  Last edited by:  Charlotte Melton (Asgardian)  on Apr 4, 18 / Tau 10, 02 00:42 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Apr 8, 18 / Tau 14, 02 07:40 UTC

Hello, I am a French Aeronautical engineer and I graduated a few years ago from Shanghai Tongji University, in which I have studied for 2 years in an exchange program. Several of my French schoolmates who were chosen for the same program as me went to study in Beijing's Beihang University instead, and they specialized in Aerospace engineering. From what I heard, Beihang Aerospace engineering department is now the best Aerospace institution of Asia, as they have amazing facilities and extremely high budgets from the Chinese government. Besides, many experts think it's a matter of years before Beihang enters the World top 3 Aerospace Universities. 

This is only one example among others that make me believe China is on the verge of becoming a major player in Space exploration, and not only by massively producing complex parts, but also by leading extremely ambitious space exploration programs in the years to come.

So in conclusion, if you want any piece of advice from me: learn mandarin! I am serious. I personally can speak quite fluently now but still put a lot of efforts to continue my learning. This is also mainly why I decided to live and work in China (Hong Kong SAR).