May 9, 17 / Gem 17, 01 13:19 UTC
Clearing Up Communications: Round 1 - Gravity ¶
There appear to be competing ideas on how Asgardia will be set up as a space station. As a result, I am wanting to set up some clarification posts so that people can all have a more clear vision of what is reasonable, desirable, and safe for Asgardians.
This forum post will be dealing with the idea of gravity.
Needless to say, a station hurtling through space, orbiting the Earth, will not have gravity generated the way it is on Earth. There is always centrifugal force to generate a form of 'fake' gravity, but that opens up problems for folks with motion sickness who would be able to sense that they are in a moving object. I have been working on a station that uses these forces, but I am unfamiliar with the spinning that may cause motion sickness and how people may be affected by it. I, personally, do not suffer from motion sickness, although I also do not ride 'carnival rides' that are known for inflicting motion sickness.
The most popular of these consists of an O'Neill Cylinder. as a reference point.
Thus, I ask what people expect for an Asgardian space station. Will there be gravity? Where will it come from? Please vote above on your belief as to how gravity will affect life.
Thank you.